Page 17 of Sinful Mates

Our president grunted after he threw back a finger of whisky. “Before I dismiss you, don’t forget Slim and Jerry’s funeral is on Wednesday. Thank you to Castor for arranging.”

Everyone’s face turned grim.

“Then we’re taking a short, paid break of three days.” Slade glared at Brix, daring him to get on his case to give him an excuse to crunch molars.

That cheered up the asshole and Brix clapped a hand on Bone’s shoulder.

Our president broke up church with a final smash of his gavel. “Go and eat lunch, assholes.”

I squeezed my woman’s waist with my forearm and slid my palm along her thigh. “Where’s Mia?” The curse’s dull ache set in, but I ignored it, needing her close.

“With Rusty’s wife in the kitchen.” Maker of said sandwiches for the boys.

Relief ghosted under my skin knowing Mia was taken care of. Although, she got clingy and antsy if Aaliyah left her for too long, and I got restless to alleviate her fears.

Castor ran his palm along Aaliyah’s shoulder and leaned down to brush his lips on her cheek. “See you outside, Dark Sorceress?” Club business kept him away from her since yesterday, and longing crawled along his bond.

“Save me some sandwiches, please.” She picked up his tanned hand and kissed each tattooed finger.

“Salami and cheese.” He framed her face for a moment, luring her in for a kiss. He smirked as he backed out of the room.

“My fave.” Her brows pinched with the deepening ache of the curse. I tried to shuffle her off me but that made her clutch my neck harder. “Hungry?”

I stroked her cramping sides, which mirrored mine. Soothing her mattered more than my own suffering.

“Nah. Can’t stomach a thing.” The storm inside me shook up my insides and I felt nauseous even though I was somewhat relieved.

“What about a kiss?” She got in before I had the chance. How could I say no to those lips? Or those turquoise eyes that brought a man to his knees, begging for her love?

I kissed her like I couldn’t get enough. And I couldn’t. Fuck this curse for taking that from me. I wanted to make it last. Take my time for once. Soft and slow, like she deserved. Usually, her lips were hot and ravenous, but today’s vote extinguished the heat. Still, the deep yet quick kiss touched my heart and settled my unease.

“Thanks for coming down today, baby.” I kissed the hollow behind her ear and earned a soft sigh. This meant more to me than being the enforcer of the Jackals.

“I wouldn’t miss Brix being shot down for the world.”

“That’s my, woman.” I lifted her off the seat and carried her out to feed her and ensure Mia didn’t puke up her lunch if Slade tossed her up in the air straight after she ate.

Aaliyah’s fingers sifted through my hair. “Looking forward to breaking some teeth?” A woman who maintained her sense of humor and smile after a crushing blow impressed me.

Brix was top of my list. “I wonder who my first victim will be?”



Tears.Too many of them burning the back of my eyes. Expressions of my remorse that would never make amends for the part I played in this fucked up tragedy. For being trapped between two worlds, my family’s membership in the Wolves, mine in both clubs, and being the harbinger of doom.

Earlier this morning, we held Slim’s service at the Bathurst cemetery with a wake at our public clubhouse planned for tomorrow. It was bound to get rowdy and boozy. Best I keep Mia away. Members would come and go in shifts at the private clubhouse to ensure someone protected the trafficked women at all times. Women serving as evidence and collateral for the police slowly demolishing the club.

Anguish settled in my breastbone as the Jackals and I said goodbye to my fallen uncle, Jerry, at Katoomba cemetery. Wolf territory. Honorable men who always paid their respects to rivals regardless of vendettas. At the time my mates showed up at my father’s funeral, I thought they came to gloat that they wasted my dad and threaten to exterminate the rest of the Wolves. How wrong I was.

Danny set plans in motion to assume control of the Wolves long before he ended my father. Dad paid the price for his son’s twisted perversions as did the rest of the Wolves.

My chest felt like a surgeon sliced it open, cracked my ribcage, prying it wide to expose my heart. Mia and her parents paid the price too. For forcing me to choose my daughter over the trafficked women, my bastard brother left me broken inside. His darkness left no one untouched.

Smug bastard leaned against the oak tree one hundred feet away, the taunting, victorious smile on his demonic face burning more scars into me. He won and he knew it. Regret corded my throat for breaking my oath to do no harm. For taking a life and committing a sin. For being the reason others perished. Forever tied to me. My demon. By the malevolent darkness in his eyes, my brother had more nightmares planned for us. I felt it all the way to my bones.

Thorns of the white roses I clutched pierced my palms. My brother wasn’t solely to blame for Jerry’s murder. Guilt weighed heavy on my chest, and I fought to breathe against the cold weight. Warm blood trickled over my fingers, but I ignored it, letting my shifter healing take care of it.