While I worked, Isis pinned the demons down, preventing them from interfering with my task.
“Thank you!” Superintendent Knight gushed at my extraction, taking my hand and squeezing.
I slid out of his clammy hand, not wanting to touch this disgusting, filthy excuse of a man. “I’ll put them back inside you unless you do what I say.”
His face hardened, gray eyes turning to lead. “What do you want?”
I glanced at Castor. Normally, he and Zethan negotiated with Slade, whereas I had to fight him for everything.
Adopting Slade’s pose, I leaned down, palms flat on my thighs, expression merciless. I wanted to ask if he ordered his daughter to spread rumors about mine, but no was not the time. “Eradicate all evidence and charges against Zethan Stone, Slade Vincent, Alaric Hawke, and any member of the Jackals’ Wrath MC.”
“You’ve got to be kidding.” The idiot laughed in my face.Laughed. “Those men are a menace to this town.”
Fury in me took over and my hand transformed into my snake shifter, its dark, scaled length wrapping around his neck. “Write the report. Sign it now, fucker, or I return the demons and leave you to your insanity.”
He coughed, his eyes bulging as I jerked him off the floor. Tightening my grasp, I dragged him to his desk, relenting slightly as he commenced typing on his computer. I stood behind him, reading every word that came to life on his screen.
When he finished his first letter, I barked, “Sign it and send it!”
He looked up at me with reddened eyes. “I can’t just close an active investigation. It will trigger inquiries.”
Let it. With no evidence, no witness statement, and no reports, they wouldn’t be able to charge or arrest my men.
“We don’t care, asshole.” Castor slammed his finger on the send button, absolving Zethan of any wrongdoing.
Magick crackled in the air as he called up an email addressed to the evidence department to destroy all data, DNA, or physical objects to substantiate their charges.
Castor printed out two copies of the letter and forced the asshole’s signature. “One for the file and one for us.”
By the third letter, I let the cop breathe, removing my snake’s tail altogether. “Release the rest.”
He glared at me. “You’ve signed my death warrant.”
I pulled my snake taut until he complied. Then I hauled his ass to evidence, releasing the demons from the two officers posted in the department, forcing the superintendent to order them to destroy all evidence and files. Warily, they delivered the boxes to us, setting them on the counter.
“Is that all?” I asked Castor.
He checked his Thoth highway and reported back, “Yes.”
By the time the Jackals were cleared of all charges, fines, tails, and surveillance, I let my snake finish the job. She sank her fangs into the senior-ranking officer’s neck, injecting the demons into his bloodstream. She slithered after the screaming, retreating officers, catching them too.
“Enjoy hell, cunt!” I shoved his head into his desk, letting him slide to the floor, and left the room.
Castor caught me by the waist. “That was incredible, Sorceress. Really fucking hot.” He adjusted his jeans over his swelling length.
“Put it back in your pants!” I smacked him on the chest with the back of my hand and he chuckled in that dark, sexy way that got me every time.
“Not tonight, I won’t.” He pulled me in for a quick, panty-melting kiss. “Tonight, I’m fuck you like a goddess of Reckoning.”
Yes, please.My heart shimmied.
Zethan and Slade waited by the exit, Benny and Slash behind them, consoling the rescued women.
Slade squeezed my ass, his bond thrumming with pleasure. “Nurse A, I’m gonna have to wash out that foul mouth with a kiss.”
Punishment I’d gladly take for a few choice cuss words. He cupped the back of my neck and brought me to meet his lips, doing as he promised, his tongue touching me everywhere, tasting me, cleaning away the curse of demons from my mouth.
Zethan patiently waited for his turn, and when Slade reluctantly let me go, I flew into my lost man’s arms. Only he wasn’t lost anymore. He found his way back to me.