Page 109 of Sinful Mates

“What the fuck is it this time?” Brix groused.

Slade’s lips curled into a snarl. “This last month, I trialed a small batch of Pharaoh at a new location to test the quality and if this manufacturer had what it took to get us back to market.”

“Fuck.” Brix slammed his fist on the table. “This should have been a decision for the club.” Asshole should not start trouble at a time like this.

Slade’s pupils turned to burning slits. “Shut the fuck up or I’ll lock you up downstairs!”

Aaliyah put out fires left right and center, directing calming magick to him as well.

Slade bent his head, taking a moment to compose himself. “We needed money to pay wages. I was concerned with the cops sniffing in our business. I didn’t want anyone to be out of pocket this close to Christmas.”

Not entirely true, but he had to sell it to the club. Intuition came in handy when it came to fighting fire with fire, and Slade sensed the writing was on the wall. He also needed to keep the club together. If we couldn’t afford to pay the men, they would leave, our strength and size as a club weakened.

Slade went on, “I can’t leave this batch lying around if the cops come sniffing. We need to get it to our distributor soon and sold at market. I understand this is risky, but I’ll pay extra for those who volunteer.”

“Fucking hell.” Brix shook his head and crossed his arms over his round belly. “You’ve fucked us up the ass like Zethan did. Right before Christmas, too. We’ve got kids to care for, asshole.”

Slade was on him in a millisecond. Chairs crashed to the ground as he pinned Brix’s throat, smashing him to the floor.

Face going redder by the second, Brix clawed for release. “Get the fuck off me, asshole!”

Detonation. Explosion. Aftermath.

No one dared breathe in fear of having the wrath turned on him.

Dark pleasure tickled the bond from Castor’s delight. This reckoning was a long time coming for Brix.

Aaliyah scrambled to get off me, but I held her firmly to protect her from her mate’s wrath.

Brix was the last person’s aid I would go to. Or let her go to. Not after what he did to Zethan. Let Slade choke the bastard and teach him a lesson to put him in his place.

“Kids that you neglect when you stay over at your sweet butt’s house!” Slade spat as he shouted. “Kids whose play equipment Alaric and I set up because you passed out drunk on Christmas day. Then you were too busy to hang out with them on Boxing Day watching the cricket test match.”

Castor yanked at Slade to get off. “That’s enough. Let’s cool it.”

Slade refused to let up and squeezed harder, blood vessels bursting in Brix’s eyes. “Kids sport’s grand finals you missed because you’d rather go for a ride with your mates.”

Castor slid his arms under Slade’s and dragged him back. “Okay. I think we’ve satisfactorily established Brix isn’t winningParent of the Year.”

Brix spluttered and coughed as he sat up, rubbing his bruised throat.

Slade jerked his arms free of Castor’s hold. “Lock the cunt up!”

Castor and Benny took hold of Brix, hauling him to his feet and marching him downstairs to the cells.

I caressed Aaliyah’s thigh, but her concern stood on end like thousands of drawn swords.

“Anyone else want to voice their opinion?” Slade panted and swept his arm wide. “Go for it.”

No one offered. Everyone knew better than to tempt fate. They all sat still, gaze down, knowing Brix deserved his punishment.

Slade sighed, his shoulders lower. “I know what I ask of you.” He brought his voice back down a notch. “Especially this close to the holidays and with the cops trailing us and investigating everything. Just don’t be a disrespectful cunt.”

“I’m out.” Dusty was brave enough to push his beer closer to the center of the table. “Sorry, Prez.”

Pitbull tipped out too. “Sorry, Prez.”

Fuck. One by one, they all turned him down.