Page 3 of Protecting Her

Sarah met her in the lobby, already familiarizing herself with the building's regular security team. "DSS has been briefed on our assignment. They're coordinating additional coverage for the summit."

Marcus appeared at Jude's side, his movement silent despite his size. "Just got off a call with our contacts in Bogotá. Nuevo Amanecer's definitely mobilizing. They're anticipating the summit."

"Surveillance positions?"

"They've been scouting the Hotel Gran Diplomático. Three probable sniper positions identified already." He kept his voice low. "My contacts are setting up counter-surveillance before we arrive."

Jude nodded, checking her watch. The diplomatic security briefing would start soon in the large conference room. Her team wasn't here to protect Carmen within the State Department; that was DSS territory. They were here to plan for Colombia, where the real threats waited.

"Vehicle approaching." David's voice was cool and professional. "Diplomatic plates match our briefing."

Jude moved to the secure entrance, her body thrumming with pre-mission tension. The underground garage was clear of all other vehicles, walls of concrete and steel creating adefendable space. When the armored Mercedes pulled in, her awareness narrowed to tactical precision.

The car door opened, and Jude's training almost failed her.

Carmen Ruiz emerged with fluid grace, her charcoal suit and cream silk blouse a deliberate contrast to the utilitarian surroundings. Silver threaded through her dark hair like moonlight on water. But it was her presence that caught Jude off guard—the way she filled the space with quiet authority and how her eyes swept the garage in a security assessment that rivaled Jude's own.

"Captain Smith." Carmen's voice carried warmth without sacrificing professionalism. She extended her hand, and Jude noted everything in that brief contact: the subtle calluses that spoke of more than just pushing paperwork, the steady pulse at her wrist, and the strength in her grip. "Thank you for taking on this assignment."

"Ma'am." Jude kept her voice neutral, ignoring how her skin tingled where they'd touched. "If you'll follow me, we've established secure routes through the building."

They moved through the underground corridors, Carmen matching Jude's pace without effort. The click of her heels on concrete echoed like punctuation, a counterpoint to the silence of Jude's tactical boots.

"I reviewed your security protocols," Carmen said as they entered the elevator. "Quite thorough. Though I notice you've eliminated all public appearances from the summit schedule."

"Yes, ma'am. The exposure risk is too high."

Carmen's lips curved slightly. "The peace process requires public trust, Captain. Sometimes diplomatic necessity outweighs tactical preference."

The elevator doors opened to the conference level, and Jude felt her spine stiffen. "With respect, ma'am, diplomatic necessity won't matter if you're dead."

Instead of taking offense, Carmen turned to face her fully. For a moment, Jude forgot to breathe. The diplomat's dark eyes held depths of understanding that made her feel exposed, seen in ways that had nothing to do with physical sight.

"You lost someone." It wasn't a question. "In Yemen, perhaps? Or was it Caracas?"

Jude's silence was answer enough. She shouldn't have been surprised that Carmen had researched her; Carmen's file had mentioned her skill at reading people. But the sharp accuracy of it made her chest tighten.

"I'm not unfamiliar with loss, Captain." Carmen's voice softened. "Or with the weight of protection detail. I know what I'm asking of you and your team. But this peace treaty could prevent thousands of deaths. Sometimes we must risk one life to save many."

The conference room doors loomed ahead, saving Jude from having to respond. Inside, local officials and security representatives waited for the briefing. She watched as Carmen transformed, her gentle side replaced by diplomatic steel.

For the next hour, Jude observed Carmen's mastery of the room. She navigated the contentious discussion about summit security with graceful authority, defusing tensions before they could ignite. Each carefully chosen word served multiple purposes: building consensus while gathering intelligence, offering compromise while maintaining control.

Jude found herself studying micro-expressions, cataloging tells and tensions. Her tactical awareness kept tracking sight lines and access points, but part of her attention remained fixed on Carmen's diplomatic dance—the way she tilted her head when listening, how she used silence as effectively as speech, the subtle shifts in posture that commanded attention without demanding it.

"Your security concerns are valid," Carmen was saying to the DC Metropolitan Police liaison. "But surely we can find a balance between safety and necessity."

Jude caught the slight tension in Carmen's shoulder, the only tell that she'd noticed the liaison's evasion about coordinating with Colombian security forces. Their eyes met briefly across the room, and Jude saw her own suspicions mirrored in Carmen's gaze. The diplomat hadn't missed anything; she was just better at hiding her reactions.

The meeting concluded with preliminary agreements in place, though Jude noted which officials would need closer surveillance. As the room cleared, Carmen gathered her notes with practiced efficiency.

"Walk with me, Captain?" She made it sound like a request rather than an order. "We should discuss the modified protocols."

They moved through the building's secure corridors, their steps falling into natural synchronization. Carmen's presence beside her felt like a gravity well, drawing Jude's awareness despite her best efforts to maintain professional distance.

"You have concerns about the Colombian security forces we'll be working with," Carmen said quietly.

"Several." Jude kept her voice low. "The intelligence briefings suggest?—"