Page 99 of Dangerous Pursuit

“What is there to stop you? Mia, this is the most hopeful I’ve seen you in months. Do what you need to do. I’m not going anywhere, and I want to see you happy. Do this for me.”


I’m at my parent’s house for Christmas, trying not to make everyone else miserable as we sit around the dinner table. Since Lily is practically family, and Sebastian and Eli don’t have any left, they’re also here. Seeing the couple in their newlywed bliss makes me want to stab my eye out with a fork while trying to maintain the smile I’ve got pasted on. I’m tempted to have a repeat of my night in Vegas, but the worry on Cici’s and Mom’s faces stops me.

One bright spot to being home is seeing my parents and Cici in the same room together. At least something good came out of the last nine months. It didn’t happen quickly, but it sounds like Cindy had a hand in getting them to reconcile. I’m glad they’ve mended things; having people you love on opposite sides of the fence is rough.

“So, what’s your plan now that I’m back? Are you sticking around for a while or heading back to Bozeman soon?” I ask Cici.

“Are you trying to get rid of me already?” she quips.

“No, but I feel bad for keeping you here so long. I figured you’d be ready to go home.” I notice she looks not only at my parents but in Eli’s direction.

“I’m not sure I’m ready per se, but I do have to go back at some point since all my stuff is still there, and I still have my condo. Even though I was subleasing, I renewed my lease for another year four months ago, plus I like my job there.”

“You can do real estate anywhere, honey. San Diego is a good market, and you know so many people here,” Mom chimes in, which surprises me, considering the last time I saw that happen, it ended in fireworks. They’ve come a long way.

“I know. I’m not sure what I want to do.” I don’t miss her subtle look in Eli’s direction once again, and I plan to ask him about it later.

I let my mind wander from the conversation, imagining what it would be like having Mia here—the stolen kisses around the corner, showing her my bedroom… my bed. My gut churns when reality rears its head, knowing she’s doing that with someone else.

A vibration in my pocket interrupts me from continuing down that rabbit hole. Odd, since anyone who would call me on Christmas Day is currently seated at this table. Pulling my phone out, I see Walker’s name on the screen.

“Sorry, I need to take this,” I tell the room as I leave to go somewhere private.

“Walker?” I answer once I’m alone.

“Hey, Jackson.” His voice tells me why he’s calling.

“You heard from her, didn’t you?” Another knife to the gut, knowing I didn’t—won’t.

“Yeah, I just hung up.”

My silence speaks more than words.

“It’s not what you think. Listen, they didn’t tell her whose testimony they were taking in place of hers, and they didn’t tell her how they got it.” His words sink in slowly.

“What do you mean, they didn’t tell her? Are you fucking serious right now?” My blood is boiling.

“She had no idea. Not a clue that you spent the last nine months tracking the son of a bitch down.”

“Did you tell her?”I ask, hoping he did.

“Of course. She deserves to know. It shocked the shit out of her. Not only about her dad but about you being the one who found him. She’s confused about the whole thing.”

“What is there to be confused about?”

“All this time, she assumed you had moved on and were probably with someone else by now. She was trying to do the same but had only been on one date with that guy, and nothing happened.”

“So what are you saying? That she hasn’t moved on? Because if that’s the case, I’ll go clear up her confusion right now.”

“I figured you’d say that… which is why I got her address for you. Merry fucking Christmas.”

I’m in a daze as I rejoin the table after hanging up with Walker.

“Jackson, who was that?” Cici asks when I sit down.

“It was Walker, Mia’s best friend. She called him today.” Pity fills everyone’s faces at once.