“Then how did they get him, and what does Jackson have to do with it?”
“Jackson is the one who found him. He spent the last nine months looking for your dad. The FBI tried to find him before they had you, and they couldn’t, so they made a deal with Jackson.”
“Walker, tell me what’s going on. Why would he do that?”
“Because he never let you go, Mia. He went straight to the FBI after you left, knowing they were involved. They wouldn’ttell him where you were but said if he brought in your dad, they would trade you for him. He’s been searching ever since, and it took him this long to find him.”
“Oh my God!”
“Yeah.” Walker sighs, letting it all sink in for a minute.
“Wait, how do you know all this?”
“Because Jackson came to me two months after you left, asking if I knew anything about your dad or where he might be. You never talked about him, so I wasn’t any help. He was in bad shape, Mia.”
I’m speechless, tears falling while I try to articulate words. Luckily, Walker keeps talking so I don’t have to.
“Anyway, he finally found him a couple of weeks ago and dragged his ass in. Instead of the FBI releasing you like he expected, they told him you weren’t coming back. They refused to tell him where you were, but he caused enough trouble that they agreed to let him see you.”
“When? I haven’t heard from him. Is he coming here?” I can’t believe I’m going to see him again.
“He was already there. An agent escorted him to your work so he could see for himself that you were okay. That was last Saturday. They told him you’d moved on, and whatever he saw through the window confirmed it.”
I’m thinking back when it hits me—it wasn’t his doppelgänger I saw across the street; it was Jackson himself. I’m picturing what he would’ve seen between Jeff and me: the laughing, massaging, kiss of my hand. Crap. It was the day I decided to try harder to move on.
“Oh my God, Walker, it wasn’t what it looked like. We’ve only been on one date and didn’t even kiss—I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I was forcing myself to try because I assumed Jackson had already moved on. The only reason I wanted to stay hereis because going home to see him with somebody else would’ve killed me.”
“Now that you know the truth, what are you going to do about it?”
“I don’t know. I’m so confused. You don’t know how hard it was to make this decision. I was trying to take a step in the right direction. I’m so lost right now.”
“I’m sorry, Mia. I can’t imagine what you’ve had to deal with. I’m sure it isn’t easy to have a whole new reality thrown at you. All I can say is, I’ve talked to Jackson enough to know that he would never have given up until he saw you last Saturday.”
My mind is spinning after the phone call with Walker. We talked for a while longer about his life and what was happening, all while still in a daze. He said he’d plan a trip to visit after graduation. My stomach is in knots as I wait for Mom to finish the phone call she’s on. Right when the word “bye” leaves her mouth, I walk around the corner.
“Mom, the witness who took our place was Dad.” I blurt, needing to get it off my chest.
“I figured as much.” She sighs. “That was Carmen. She said Jackson was there looking for information about your father.”
“In Puerto Rico? When?” Walker didn’t tell me how Jackson found my dad, only that it took a long time. I didn’t think about everything he went through.
“Not long after we left. He visited every one of our relatives to see if anyone knew anything about your dad and where he might be. They said he was desperate.”
“Oh my God. I can’t believe he went there. He could’ve just called.”
She smiles softly. “Maybe you’re not the only one who hasn’t moved on, honey.”
“I’m not. Walker told me he thought the FBI would bring me back if he brought Dad in, but they didn’t tell me that. I’m so mad. Why would they keep that from me?”
“I’m not sure, mija, but now that you know, what do you want to do?”
“I need to see him, tell him how I feel… I need to apologize.”
“Well, then, let’s find you the next flight home.” She reaches for her phone.
Home…please tell me I’m not dreaming.
Wait—did she just say… “Now?”