It’s an exciting day, not only because it’s Christmas, but we found out yesterday that we can finally contact our family and friends and waited until today. I’m dying to talk to Walker, but we decided to open presents first and then start reaching out to people. We both splurged a little more this year, our way to make the crazy shit we’ve been going through a little lighter.
Mom insisted that I call Walker while she starts with the family. As I wait for him to answer, my smile is the biggest it’s been in months.
“Hello?” Hearing his voice again makes my smile even bigger, if possible.
“Walker, it’s Mia.” The words burst from my mouth.
“Holy shit.”
“Oh my gosh, it’s so good to hear your voice. I’ve missed you so much.”
“You have no idea. I just can’t believe it’s really you. Wait, are you back?”
“No, I’m not coming back. I mean, I could, but we decided to stay here. But I can tell you where I am now, and you can come visit whenever you want.”
“Hold up. Why aren’t you coming home? Are you still in the program?”
I filled him in on the last week and how we were released. “Now that we don’t have to hide anymore, we can talk all the time.”
“Then tell me why you’re not coming home. You have friends here, a full ride to SDSU…” The hurt in his voice is something I didn’t prepare myself for.
“They said some people in the program decide to stay in their new life instead of returning to their old one because they’ve settled in, and my mom and I decided to stay.
We’ve made a life here. I’m doing university online, and I love my job. Mom has more free time. It just made sense.”
“Okay, but what about Jackson?”Knowing this was coming doesn’t make it easier.
“What about him? It’s been almost a year, Walker. I’m sure he’s moved on by now.”
“So, let me get this straight—the FBI told you they have someone else to testify, but they didn’t tell you who or how they found him?”
“I’m sure they can’t disclose that information. And it doesn’t matter.” What is up with him?
“It definitely matters.”
I hear him sigh loudly, and I picture him shaking his head.Tears start pooling in my eyes at the thought of not only being too late for Jackson but also for Walker.
“I don’t see why. I’m out. Who cares how? All I care about is that I’m not in the program anymore, and we can talk again.Why are you acting like this?” I’m sure he can hear my tears through the phone.
“Mia, you have no idea… Not a day went by that I didn’t think of you. I’ve missed my best friend, and I’m so happy to hear your voice. I’m upset because there’s more to the story than what they told you.”
“How would you know?” I’m lost. This is not how I thought our first conversation would go.
“Dammit, I can’t believe those assholes didn’t tell you anything.”
“Walker, what are you talking about? What didn’t they tell me?”
“Mia… your dad took your place. He’s going to testify against the boss because he dealt with him before he ran off.”
“What? Did he turn himself in for me? And how would you know this and I don’t?”
“Mia, what did you think Jackson would do when you left? Did you honestly believe he would just take it lying down and not try to find you?”
Talk about a one-eighty. “Can we talk about that later? Explain how you know about my dad.”
“Jacksonisthe explanation, Mia. Your dad wouldn’t turn himself in because he’s exactly the piece of shit you thought he was.”