“S’all good. I can make it.” I try to play it cool.
“Geez, Jackson, drink much? I can take him up so you can stay with the guys.” Cici comes over and takes my other arm as the room spins.
“I’m not leaving you alone to wrangle a 180-pound man of steel to his room. What if he passes out on the way?” Eli asks.
“Then I’ll get security to help. It’s fine, I’ve got him.”
“Hey, guyz, I’m right heeere.” I hiccup. Great.
“Cici quit being stubborn. You can go with me or stay and dance—the choice is yours,” Eli states firmly and then starts walking again, pulling me along. I’m too busy trying to stay upright to interject.
“Argh. You’re infuriating.” Cici stomps beside me.
“Surrry, sis. Didn’t mean t’ruin yer night. I haven’t drunk in a while.” I start laughing. “Get it? Drunk in a while, and I’m drunk.”
“How are you such a lightweight with all this muscle?” Cici asks.
“He had a lot at dinner and then pounded a couple more here. I think it’s been a while since he’s let his guard down,” Eli explains.
“Can’t let my guard down. Too important.”
“Jackson, I’m sorry. This must suck for you,” Cici says.
Thank God we made it to my room without incident, and somehow, they managed to get me inside and into bed. At least, that’s what I’m assuming, because I don’t remember anything past leaving the club, and this is where I woke up.
Fucking hell, my head hurts. What was I thinking? First night back with my friends and I took it to a whole new level. Thatmight be one for the record books. It was a welcomed diversion to turn off my mind. I don’t remember the last time I wasn’t consumed with thoughts of Mia, her dad, poker, or the fucking FBI. I’m going crazy with this shit.
Dammit, I miss her so much, it hurts. I’ve memorized every picture of us on my phone down to the order of the images. I’m ready to have her back. I want to hold her, tell her how special she is, and how much I love her. It’s been too long, 195 days since I’ve had her in my arms. I don’t know how much longer I can take.
Arguing with my sister at breakfast this morning is the last thing I want to be doing after not seeing her for so long, but I knew it was coming, which was why I waited until the end of her visit.
“I’m sorry, Cici. I have a lead that could finally pay off. If I don’t make this game next weekend, I might as well stop trying.” Letting my friends down is not the intention, but I can’t compromise the breakthrough I’ve been trying to get for months.
“I can’t believe you’re not coming to the wedding. What’s wrong with you? You’re like Lily’s brother.”
“Not true, considering I’ve made out with her, not to mention I’m the guy who third-personed her first time with Sebastian. They’ll survive if I’m not at their wedding.”
“Okay, you make a good argument. I’m just worried about you. Are you okay?” Cici won’t let up after last night. I overdid it, but it’s not an everyday occurrence; it’s rare.
“Listen, I’m not going to lie and tell you I’m great just to make you feel better. I’m frustrated that the solution to my problems seems impossible to find, which is why this game is so important. I’d also rather not be at a wedding where two people are pledging their love when I’ve been miserable being separated from the womanI love. Call me selfish, but I can’t do it.”
“You’re right, I’m sorry. You’ll get her back, Jackson.”
“I know I will. It’s just taking longer than expected. How are you doing at the office? I know I told you only a couple months, but we’re going on four now. Are you still okay with sticking around?”
“I already told you I’ll stay as long as you need. It’s been less stressful with the deals in Bozeman finished, so I’m good. And even though Rebecca was great, nothing compares to having Cindy back—she makes this job a breeze. Don’t worry about me. You have enough on your plate.”
“I want you to know that I appreciate you putting your life on hold. I’m sorry to have asked that of you.” I catch the server’s eye for the check.
“That’s what family is for. You’d do the same for me, right?”
“In a heartbeat.”
After paying, we stand to hug and say our goodbyes.
“Have fun at the wedding next weekend, but not too much—don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. I already sent a card, but give Lily a hug and tell them congrats for me.”
“I will. Keep me posted on things, and good luck in LA.”