“That’s why I called. Since you’re in the know, I was hoping you could poke around and see if you could get me into some lesser-known games outside the mainstream. I’ll visit the poker rooms but will probably have better luck in the smaller circuit,especially given his history of being on the run.” What that translates to is that I have no fucking clue what I’m doing and grasping at straws.
“I’d be surprised if he was playing in Vegas, where more people are watching. Not to discourage you, I get you need to start somewhere. And who knows, maybe the guy has friends who have an idea where he might be.”
“Think you can do some digging for me?” I ask.
“I’ll see what I can find. Quite a few guys go there to play, so I’ll ask if they can get you on the list for a few tournaments. Also, put some feelers out while you’re in the card rooms and give hints that you’re interested in private games. You might be surprised what doors open.”
“I’ll do that. Thanks for the tip. I had the same thought about him not being in Vegas, but you’re right, I need to start somewhere. Change of subject—how’s Cici? Have you seen her lately?”
“I see her all the time. She’s become a permanent fixture at Sebastian’s, and I live in the same building. She seems good, excited about the wedding—it’s all they talk about these days. I haven’t seen anything out of the ordinary.”
“The last we talked, my parents still hadn’t spoken to her and were only talking to the assistant. She doesn’t seem down at all?”
“I don’t think it’s possible with the wedding coming up, but if it makes you feel better, I’ll pay closer attention and ask about work when I see her next.”
“I’d appreciate that. I just want to make sure she’s not putting on a front for me and then find out later she was miserable the whole time. I don’t want anyone else to suffer because of my shit.”
“I get it. I’ll let you know if I find anything you should be concerned about. Otherwise, stop worrying and focus on whatneeds to be done. We’re all here for you, man, and the sooner you find him, the better.”
“Thanks, Eli. Text me what you find out and tell everyone I said hi.”
“Sounds good. See ya.”
I’m more at ease than I’ve been in a while after our conversation. For one, I know he’s looking after my sister, and whatever’s going on between them, I can tell he genuinely cares about her. Whether that results in a relationship or being good friends, I’m on board. I’m also grateful to have his help with my search in Vegas. I’m at a loss with this whole thing, and having someone on my side is refreshing.
I’ve made some headway over the last couple of months in Sin City. The circle of players I’ve worked my way into have connections far beyond. I’ve also met some friends I might share the truth with who could become additional allies. I’m inserting myself into higher-stakes games to see if any of those guys have heard of him. If I strike out there, I may move to another market.
Now that the FBI has arrested the puppeteer of the operation, time is of the essence. That means they intend to use Mia’s testimony, and if I don’t find Roland in time to replace her before she’s named as a key witness, then this will all have been for nothing.
But before I do anything else, I need to make it through Sebastian’s bachelor party tonight.
“God, it’s good to see you guys. I didn’t realize how much I’d missed this. I can’t believe you all flew in for the weekend.” Sebastian, Braden, Eli, and I are sitting at a VIP table at the club in our hotel after dinner with the ladies. Lily, Cici, and two other women who came are on the dance floor. We’re seated where we can watch them while they let loose and have fun. Speaking of, I’m doing a bit of that myself.
“It was Lily and Cici’s idea. They insisted that a bachelor party isn’t a bachelor party if it’s not in Vegas. I told them I’d only do it if we combined it with the bachelorettes, so here we are. It’s safe to say that your being here had a lot to do with it.” Sebastian looks at me momentarily, but his focus remains on Lily.
“I’m just happy you’re here.” A little too happy with the way my head is spinning and words slurring. But fuck it, I don’t remember the last time I allowed myself to relax. So I don’t think twice as I knock back the rest of my drink.
“You’ve been lonely, huh? You know we’re only a quick flight away. You should come home every now and then,” Braden says.
“I can’t. I’ve got important stuff happening here. Top secret… I’m an agent of love, trying to save my woman.”
“Okay, buddy, I think it might be time to call it a night,” Eli says while laughing.
“No way, the night’sss young. I’ll just visit the lil boys’ room an’be right back.” That didn’t sound right, even to me. I stand up and sway on my feet, grabbing the back of the couch for support.
“Whoa there, big guy.” Eli stands up at the same time and grabs my shoulder. “Look, why don’t I help you to your room, and you can use the bathroom there.”
“S’prolly a good idea. Shit, I feel like I’s roofied.”
“You roofied yourself, man,” Braden chimes in.
“All right, let’s go, buddy.” Eli leads me out and as we pass the dance floor I hear our names being called.
“Hey, where are you guys going?” We pause as Cici catches up.
“Jackson had a bit too much tonight, so I’m helping him to his room,” Eli answers.