He shakes his head. “Damn, you’re worse off than I expected. For what it’s worth, I tried to get her to talk to you before she left. I told Mia this would happen, that you’d blame yourself. I didn’t think you’d still hold a torch for her, though.”
“It’s not just a torch—it’s a fucking inferno. Listen, Mia’s it for me. I can’t believe I let her slip through my fingers. I just wish she would’ve let me explain before she left or… I don’t know, at least tried to see where I was coming from.” I put my head in my hand and shake it with a growl.
“Dude, are you okay?” Walker asks.
“Yeah, it’s just… fuck, I wish we could’ve talked. Those assholes took advantage of her by pushing that decision. She shouldn’t be gone, for Christ’s sake!” I’m no less angry than I was in the interrogation room with Agent Bale that day.
“I agree, but there’s nothing you can do.”
“There is, which is why I came to see you. But then… I never get to talk about her anymore, and it was good to hear her name again—to speak her name again. Thank you for that.” I take a drink, giving myself a moment. “But the real reason I’m here is that thereissomething I can do to bring her back. I need to find her dad.”
The shock on his face is instant. “Her dad? Why? What good will that do?”
“He’s the one they need. His testimony is more powerful than Mia’s since he dealt directly with the head of the organization. So if I can find him, he can take her place.”
“You’re kidding me. That’s all it would take?”
I shake my head in exasperation. “Sounds easy, doesn’t it? If the FBI couldn’t track him down, though, how am I supposed to? So far, I haven’t found a single lead, but I won’t give up until I do. I’m grasping at straws here, trying to find something—anything. You were Mia’s best friend. She had to have talked to you about him, maybe mentioned his family, favorite cities, gambling habits—anything?”
“Damn, that’s heavy. I wish I had something for you, but Mia hated talking about her dad. She never forgave him for walking out on her mom. That’s Mia, always putting everyone else first. She never said how shitty it was that he walked out on her too.”
“She’s definitely a caretaker, which is all the more reason to do whatever I can to take care ofherthis time. Is there anything you can think of? The smallest detail could help.”
He hesitates for a moment, like he’s thinking it over, then huffs. “Look, the only thing I know is he had a gambling problem, and we both know that. She never said a thing about him. I got nothin’, dude. If something pops in my head, I’ll get in touch, but I wouldn’t hold your breath.”
“Yeah, okay. At least I can check this off the list. What’s your number? I’ll text you so you have mine, and then I better take you back.”
We make small talk in the car as I drive him back to school, discussing his classes and my business. After I drop him off, I head straight to my place, preparing myself for the next item on the list.
Grabbing my phone, I call my sister.
“Hi, Jackson, what’s up?” Cici answers.
“Hey. I need your help with something.”
“Okay.” She would do anything for me—until she hears what I’m about to ask. It won’t be easy to convince her.
“I need to go away for a while and won’t be able to run things while I’m gone. I know it’s a huge request, and I wouldn’t if it wasn’t important, but can you come home and take my place for a couple of months?”
“What the hell, Jackson? What’s going on? Where are you going?”
“Remember when I told you Mia had family issues and had to move away?”
“Yeah, how could I forget? You’ve been miserable ever since.” That sounds familiar.
“Well, there’s more to the story.” For the next few minutes, I tell her everything, starting the night Mia walked out, to my meeting with Agent Bale, finishing with my revelation this morning.
“Holy shit, why didn’t you say anything before? It would’ve explained a lot about your attitude over the last couple of months. God, Jackson, I’m so sorry.”
“I didn’t think it would go on this long. I figured I’d find him right away, and she’d be back by now, but I’ve gone through three private investigators. I’m hiring the last one now to track some information down so I can take over the search. I need to get her back, Cici, and it’s going to take my sole focus to do it.”
“I get it, I do, but Jackson, you know this is a big ask. What about Mom and Dad? Have you talked tothemabout this?” I knew this would be the sticking point.
“They’re still on their monthlong cruise. Besides, I’m running this company, Cici—they’re not. It’s my decision. You know this business just as well as I do, whether you’ll admit it or not. You’re the only one I can count on. I wouldn’t be asking otherwise. Plus, you were planning to come for Lily’s wedding, and this way, you’ll be here early to help. Please just think aboutit. Give me a couple of months to dive in, and when I find him, you’ll be free to go.” I’m practically begging at this point.
“What about the closings we have coming up? You’re buying two projects here that’ll need your attention.”
“We’rebuying two projects there, and it’s not like I’ll be off-grid. I just can’t be around all day, every day. I’ll be available for things if necessary and can sign documents from wherever. It’s just your presence in the office that I’m asking for.”