I’ve finally run out of things I can do on my own and, unfortunately, need Jackson’s assistance with the rest. I have no choice but to ask for guidance on things requiring his attention. I’m not looking forward to interacting with the bosshole, but it’s a necessary evil. I’ll have to fake it ’til I make it.
This should be fun.
I pause outside the door, remembering his warning from my first day, and knock lightly. Nothing. I knock again. Nothing. By the third attempt, I pound on the door, earning me a curt reply to enter. Bracing myself, I stand tall and straighten my shoulders before opening the door. He doesn’t even look up while typing away.
“What?” he asks gruffly while still not looking at me. At least he knows I’m here.
“I’ve finished with everything I can from this morning,” I say as I walk toward the desk. “Here’s a list of items that require your review, along with today’s agenda. Is there anything you need me for, sir?”
He finally looks up with a smirk before shaking his head like he remembered his rule of only scowling at me.
“What do you mean, you’ve finished everything? Do you even know how to use the computer?” His tone is as condescending as can be.
This week is shaping up to be no different than the last. I think it’s time to give him a taste of his own medicine. I’m done backing down. “You might be too old to know this, but we use computers in high school these days, and I was already familiar with most of the programs Cindy showed me.” The look on his face is furious. Oh well, nothing new. “Where is Cindy, by the way?”
“She unexpectedly went into labor this morning, and I just found out. She and the baby are doing well, but she’s officially onmaternity leave starting today. That means you’re on your own. Can you handle it, or should I make other arrangements?”
Oh, wouldn’t that make his day. Sorry to disappoint—not. “I can handle whatever you give me.” It takes all my willpower not to be snarky now that I’m taking the gloves off, but I decide it’s not worth getting fired on my first day without Cindy.
“I highly doubt that, but challenge accepted. For now, just answer the phone. I’ll let you know when I need you.”
Asshole. Damn that he’s such a handsome one.
He won’t need me, as he clearly thinks I’m an imbecile. Now, if he needed me in other ways…
Oh my God, where did that come from? I cannot fantasize about my boss. I swear it’s Walker’s fault for putting thoughts in my head.
Challenge accepted? When I need you? Where the fuck is my head at?
The answer is obvious but highly inappropriate. She’s in another formfitting skirt today that hugs her voluptuous ass that I can’t get enough of. Why I don’t call her in more often just to watch her walk away is a shame. Then there’s the low-cut shirt that cuts right across the top of her breasts. With the words that come from her mouth along with that body, she’s killing me. My dirty thoughts shot through the roof when she asked if I needed her for anything.Fuck yeah, I need you to bend over my desk and give me a better look.
I grab the back of my neck and forcefully blow out air. I’ve got to get my mind out of the gutter. There’s no fucking way this is going to work. Picking up the phone, I dial my parents.
“Hi, honey. To what do we owe the pleasure?” Mom answers. I can tell I’m on speaker.
“Cindy had her baby this morning. They’re both doing well, but because it was early, they’ll need to stay in the hospital for a couple of weeks. I told her I’d give her a few days before visiting.”
“That’s great news, son. Thanks for letting us know. We’ll be sure to send our congratulations,” Dad says from the background.
“The bad news is that I now have an assistant with one week of training and no clue what she’s doing. I want to bring someone in from a temp agency.” This favor they made without my involvement pisses me off.
Apparently, Dad had a sip of the Mia Kool-Aid, judging by his response. “Jackson, we made a commitment. It may be tough for a few days, but she’ll catch on. Look at the positive. This way, you can teach her the ropes and show her exactly how you want things.”
And my mind is right back in the gutter. “How do you not see that I need someone with more experience? It’s a busy time for the company. She’s too young to keep up.” And too young for me to be in lust with.
“We’re done with this conversation, Jackson. Mia is your new assistant, and you’ll have to accept that. Make it work. Cindy will be back before you know it.” Mom’s final words.
Fuck, why did I even try?
Me: Cindy went into labor today. My parents won’t let me get rid of the girl. What the fuck am I supposed to do?
Braden: Jerk off…
Eli: Give her a birthday present she’ll remember… in two months.
Braden: A lot…