That’s where my thoughts are as I knock on Mia’s door to get her for dinner. This time, we’re meeting Cici in the lobby since I made it clear when she dropped us off that we would see her there, knowing I wanted a taste of Mia before we left. And when the door opens, I couldn’t be happier with that decision, as my jaw drops at the vision before me.
“Holy hell, could you be any sexier?”
She smiles with the familiar blush adorning her cheeks. She’s wearing a black skintight dress that stops just below her ass, with a tie behind her neck, holding the top up with no bra underneath. Such easy access, and if we weren’t due downstairs, I’d already be untying it.
“Your sister is fricking gorgeous, and I’ll be next to her, so I pulled out all the stops. And since this is technically our first dinner out together, I wanted to make an impression.” She moves aside for me to enter.
“Impression made. And my sister has nothing on you, sweetheart.”
“Right… now I know you’re full of crap. But I appreciate the compliment.”
I push the door closed and cage her up against it. “You are gorgeous, Mia. Why do you think I’m constantly touching you in public? I want every man out there to know you’re mine. Got it?”
“Uh-huh,” she says breathlessly.
“Good. How about the part where I said you’re mine? Are you mine?” I lift my knee and spread her legs, rubbing it against her pussy.
“Yes. I’m all yours.”
Fuck it. I take her mouth hard and fast and pull the tie holding her dress in one second flat. I want her like I’ve never wanted anyone before. I’m a goner. I grab both breasts, one hand on each, kneading and squeezing. I fucking love these things. We’re both grasping at each other, taking what we can, and are seconds from tearing at clothes when my phone dings, drawing us from the haze. I straighten up and take a deep breath to calm down and attempt to get myself under control.
“You should check that while I make sure I’m still presentable,” Mia says, referring to my phone. When she tries slinging away, I stop her by bringing my mouth to her nipple, sucking it in. She mewls and arches into me for more. I’m just reaching between her legs to feel her heat when my phone dings again, making me pause and come up for air.
“Dammit. When we get back tonight, Mia, nothing will stop me.” She brings her dress up and holds it there as I take a step back and let her around me.
“Is that a promise?” she asks seductively, then closes the bathroom door. Good idea, or I might have been tempted to follow.
I pull my phone out to see two texts from Cici: one, that she’s here, and two, on her way to my room. A second later, there’s a knock at the door.Son of a bitch.She seriously cannot follow directions. I open the door to her hand still up in the air.
“I texted that I was on my way up. I figured you’d be here when you didn’t answer your door,” she says as she barges into the room.
“You could’ve followed my instructions and met us in the lobby.” I scold.
“Yeah, right. We’d have never left.” Cici rolls her eyes.
“Alright… sorry I took so long. Are we ready to go?” Mia says, coming out of the bathroom as if she’s been in there the whole time getting ready.
“Who’s ready to have some fun?” Cici asks, rubbing her hands together.
I open the door and hold it for the ladies to exit, giving Mia a pinch on her ass and whispering in her ear, “that was more than a promise.”
The restaurant Cici takes us to is hip and trendier than I expected. It’s obviously a hotspot, with the who’s who of Bozeman in the house. My sister seems to know the whole town, as evidenced by being stopped more than once on the way to our table.
Once seated, I order a bottle of wine with three glasses, but the waiter asks to see Mia’s driver’s license. I forgot how young my new girlfriend is—she’s not old enough to drink. I’m about to backtrack, but before I get the chance, she digs in her purse and pulls it out.Okay then.My eyebrows go up in question as soon as he leaves.
“Never heard of a fake ID? Didn’t we already have this conversation about you behaving like an old man?”
Cici starts cracking up. “Oh my God, Mia, I love you. Please marry my brother so we can be sisters ’cause my best friend slot is taken.”
“Ha, ha. I’m not that old. You just didn’t strike me as the type to have one.”
“Playing in poker tournaments didn’t give it away, huh?” Mia quips.
“That’s a pretty smart mouth. Does it need to be taken care of?” I wag my eyebrows in jest.
At that, she turns bright red, probably thinking about how I handled it last time. It’s certainly what I’m thinking about.
“Okay, you two, behave yourselves,” Cici says.