Page 53 of Dangerous Pursuit

“You must really like him, then. I bet it will work itself out. Did he give you any reason to think he was upset?”

“No, and it’s driving me crazy.” I look at her and frown. “I’m sorry, Mom. I don’t want to ruin dinner with this. It doesn’t matter.”

She pats my hand. “It matters to you. And you’re not ruining dinner. Maybe wait and see what happens before jumping to conclusions. You could always call him later and ask what’s going on.”

The server comes to clear our plates since we finished dinner while talking.

“I don’t know. I don’t want to be that girl. It’s still new, and I don’t want to seem clingy. Ugh, I didn’t even see this coming. I mean, I was always attracted to him, but I never thought—”

“Well, if it isn’t the two most beautiful ladies in San Diego.”

I whip my head sideways to see Jackson striding to our table with two roses. My eyes widen in shock.What is he doing here?

He stops before my mom, bending slightly to present her with a rose. “You must be Sofia, Mia’s mom. I’m glad to finally meet you. I’m Jackson, Mia’s boyfriend.” He holds his hand out to shake, and if possible, my eyes get even bigger at his use of the word “boyfriend.”

She smiles at him. “Jackson, it’s so nice to meet you. What perfect timing. We were just talking about you. Mia, he should join us for dessert, right?”


“I’m sure he has other plans, Mom.”

“Actually, I don’t. But only if you’re sure, Mrs. Marcos. I don’t want to intrude,” he says seriously.

“Call me Sofia. And I’m positive. You two should be together on Mia’s special day.” Her grin and teasing tone finally prompt a smile of my own.

“Well, in that case, Sofia, I’d love to. Thank you for the invite.” Jackson finally turns to me. “Happy birthday, sweetheart.” He hands me a rose, cups my cheek, and bends down to place a chaste kiss on my lips—in front of my mom. My cheeks flame at his show of affection.

A waiter appears with another chair, and Jackson sits down while reaching for my hand. He proceeds to order one of each dessert on the menu before the waiter departs.

“How was dinner, ladies? This is one of my family’s favorites. I hope it lived up to expectations,” Jackson says, giving my hand a squeeze.

“It was delicious. I’m so glad your parents recommended it. I’ll be sure to let them know next week.” I bet his parents told him where we were going. And then it dawns on me… he must’ve planned this.

Mom continues, “So, Jackson, how long have you and Mia been dating? She was just telling me about it before you arrived. It sounds like a fairly recent development.” I never knew Mom was so sly.

“It is, and it’s not. I’ve been into Mia for quite some time but didn’t say anything until last week. I was waiting for the right moment, and it worked out since we had a chance to get to know each other over the last few months. Although, I think last week is when I really won her over.” He smirks at me.

Oh, he’s good—and so full of shit.Do you mean last week was when you decided to stop being an ass?

“That’s sweet. Mia was telling me that you were holding back because of her age. Does it bother you being with someone so much younger?”

Kill me now.

“Not at all, ma’am. I was more concerned about Mia and if she would be okay with it.”Liar.“I’ve been around her long enough to know how easy it is to forget her age. Her maturity level surpasses mine at times.” He laughs, and my mom beams, already won over. He’s charming the heck out of her.

When dessert arrives, we take a few moments to taste each one, oohing and aahing as we go.

“How did the rest of your day go, Jackson?” I ask casually, trying not to sound desperate.

“My meeting went well, and then I ran some errands before having dinner with friends. Now I’m hoping to convince you to go out with me after this. I planned something special for your birthday.” He turns to my mom. “If it’s okay with you, of course.”

“Well, it’s not up to me anymore. Mia can decide—not that she couldn’t before, but now it’s official. If she’s okay with it, then I am.” She smiles, both sets of eyes looking to me for an answer.

I’m relieved that my fears were all for nothing, the ache in my chest gone. “Well, it is a work night”—I smirk—“but I could probably manage to go out for a little bit.” He smiles in response, making my heart pound.

“I won’t keep you out too long, and if I do, you can start late tomorrow.” He winks and squeezes my hand.How is he so perfect?

“A benefit of dating the boss, huh?” I raise my eyebrows at him, making him chuckle.