Page 52 of Dangerous Pursuit

We’re wrapping up dinner, and I’m waiting for the text signaling that Mia and her mom are almost finished with their meals. I was able to get everything ready to bring her back to my place tonight, but first, I’m stopping by for a surprise visit to introduce myself to her mom. Conveniently, the restaurant I’m at is around the block from theirs.

“So, tonight’s the big night, huh?” Braden asks, clinking his drink against mine. I indulge him in the mock toast, with Eli joining in.

“It is. I’m just not sure how big it’ll be,” I respond, knowing we may not end up in bed tonight. I won’t pressure her, no matter how badly I want it.

“Ah, buddy, I didn’t know you had a size problem. Too bad it doesn’t match up to the rest of you,” Eli jests.

“Fuck you, man. Look at my hands. I guarantee it does. I’m just not sure we’ll end up there tonight, that’s all.”

“Seriously, dude? You’ve been hard for this girl for months, and now that you can have her, you’re gonna keep it in your pants? Who are you, and what have you done with Jackson?” Braden wouldn’t know how to keep it in his pants if his life depended on it.

“She means a lot to me. I’m not just in it for the sex, so if it doesn’t happen tonight, that’s okay. Hopefully, there’ll be plenty more opportunity.”

“Shit, so we’ve lost you, then. Well, here’s to you and me, Eli. Looks like we’re the last holdouts.” Braden and Eli tap their beers together and take a drink.

Perfect timing for my phone to buzz, signaling it’s time to go.

“All right, guys, I’m outta here.”

“Good luck, man. We’ll see you on the other side,” Eli quips.

“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” Braden says.

“Yeah, okay. See you guys later,” I say and turn to go, but Braden keeps talking.

“Meaning, I wouldn’t leave a girl hanging. Go get yourself laid, man.”

I flip him the bird on my way out.



Mom and I are taking a break from conversation to savor our meals, giving me too much time to think. It’s been such a great day that I should be happier. Walker treated me to lunch this afternoonandpaid for all the lingerie. We had so much fun. It was like old times, hanging out during the day like we used to. I didn’t realize how much I’d missed him since being out of school.

That’s part of my melancholy, but I know it’s not the main reason. Jackson told me to trust him, but how can I? I’m disappointed with the way things ended today. It gave me an unsettled feeling, and I don’t like it. Hearing that he was leaving for the afternoon gutted me. I figured things would be different after our connection this weekend. I thought… well, I’m not sure what I thought, but I know not seeing him for the rest of the day felt wrong. Especially after that kiss—that unbelievable, “take me to your place and finish what you started” kind of kiss.

“Mia, honey, what’s wrong? You look upset. Do you not like your dinner?”

“No, it’s amazing. I get why places like this charge so much. It’s more than worth it.”

“Then what are you thinking about so hard over there? I can tell something is bothering you. What is it, mija?”

I’m already keeping so much from my mom; maybe I should just get this off my chest since it’s not terrible. I hope.

Here goes nothing.“Mom, I haven’t said anything because it’s new, but I’m sort of seeing Jackson. You know, from the office. The Soloman’s son?” I clarify at seeing her confusion.

“You mean the man you’re working for? Why haven’t you said anything? How long have you been dating?” She doesn’t sound angry, just surprised and maybe a little hurt that she didn’t know.

“We had a rough start because he thought I was too inexperienced for the job, but after proving otherwise, he came around, and the last few weeks have been going well. Recently, we ran into each other outside the office, and one thing led to another. He said he’d been attracted to me for a while but held back because of my age.”

“How serious are you?” she asks.

“That’s why I’m upset. I thought things were moving forward. But maybe I read too much into it because today, he left for the afternoon… and he didn’t do anything for my birthday.”That sounded so vain.“I sound like a brat, don’t I?”

“Not at all. It’s a special day, and if someone cares about another person, it should be special for them too. I’m sorry, sweetie. Did something come up? Maybe it was a busy day.”

“No, that’s the thing. He only had one appointment. It’s almost like he was trying to avoid me.” I groan. “Ugh, maybe he was. I sort of made a fool of myself this morning and practicallythrew myself at him.” I rest my elbow on the table and put my forehead into the palm of my hand, mortified at the memory.