Page 47 of Dangerous Pursuit

We stay on safer topics, and the conversation flows freely without any awkward pauses or moments for the remainder of the meal. After paying, there’s no excuse remaining not to take her home. During the drive, I hold her hand, caressing it as I pull up to her house. Then I turn and bring it to my lips, one of my favorite things to do until I can kiss everywhere else I’m dying to.

“Thank you, Jackson. That was an amazing first—I mean second date. I think you’re ruining me for all others.”

“I would hope so. I’m not seeing anyone else, Mia, and I haven’t for a while. I’m serious about this, and I know I’m in no position to tell you what to do, but I’d like it if you weren’t dating anyone else while we explore the possibility of a relationship.”

“Funny, you’ve never shied away from telling me what to do before,” she sasses.

“Like I said, I’ll go as long as it takes to prove I’m not that guy. How am I doing so far?” I raise my eyebrows up and down in question, pulling a laugh from her.

“Too good. I have to say, I like this new version much better. Jackson 2.0. I can’t wait to see what the next upgrade brings.”

“I think you have an idea what that upgrade looks like after this morning,” I say suggestively.

Her cheeks turn pink, and she presses her lips together while her thighs tense. “Well, I have no intention to see anyone else while we’re dating. I was only trying to distract myself anyway. I was having inappropriate thoughts about my boss at the time.”

I smirk. “Is that so? Were you successful in distracting yourself?”

“Not in the slightest. So I’m glad I don’t have to anymore.”

“Me too.” I grab her hand and hold it while we sit quietly, staring at each other, both in our own heads.

I’ve never had this kind of connection with anyone before. It’s exhilarating and unnerving at the same time. I don’t know what the future looks like, but I know I want her in it.

I reach for the back of her neck and slowly pull her toward me, bringing my lips to her forehead. Lingering there, I breathe her in, savoring the moment.

“I’d offer to walk you to the door, but I won’t in case your mom is watching. I’m looking forward to meeting her, though, to tell her what an amazing daughter she has.”

“Ugh, seriously, you can’t make me like you this much.” She sits back in her seat and closes her eyes for a moment.

“It’s only fair since you’ve already captivated me. It’s time for the question from earlier, do you still think this isn’t going anywhere?”

Turning her head to look at me, she says, “No, I think we’ve already made it somewhere. And if I’m being honest, I’m excited to see where we go.” She reaches for the door handle, ready to retreat after her confession, but I grab her hand and kiss it one last time.

“I’m happy to hear that. I had a great time, Mia. Thank you for spending the day with me. I’ll see you tomorrow morning?”

“Is that a question? Because I’m pretty sure I still work for you unless you’re firing me to make this ethical.”

I chuckle. “There’s no rule against interoffice dating, just my rule—before you came along. Now go before I break another one and kiss you good night.”

“Yes, sir.” She opens the door while laughing, making me shake my head as she walks away.

I haven’t forgotten about the elephant in the room but decide to let it rest for now. With security in place, until she trusts me with the truth, there’s not much more I can do. I plan on bringing it up again while we’re in Montana, but I may need to increase security and implement more invasive measures until then. I’d prefer not to go that route and jeopardize whatever we’re building, but her safety is more important, and I’ll just have to pray she’ll forgive me.



I’m an official adult. The smile on my face as soon as I open my eyes may have to do with a certain someone who wouldn’t touch me until I was eighteen. He said if I still wanted to kiss him on my birthday, he’d have a surprise for me. I’ve never been more excited for a surprise in my life. Will he call me into his office and kiss the living daylights out of me? Because that, I’ve decided, is my birthday wish.

When I get downstairs to the kitchen, my mom is setting a plate of chocolate chip pancakes on the table. A cup of coffee is already waiting, and there’s a present next to my plate. Mom looks up to see me and beams.

“Happy birthday, mija! I can’t believe this is it. And look at you—I swear you look ten years older today. It’s like you blossomed overnight.” Good thing I wasn’t sipping my coffee; I might have choked at the reference to ten years older.

She comes over and envelops me in a huge hug.

“I’m pretty sure I look the same as yesterday, but thanks, Mom.”

“Not to me, you don’t. Knowing you’re not my baby anymore is hard to grasp.” She holds me at arm’s length and looks me up and down, tearing up.