Page 46 of Dangerous Pursuit

Both of us are still giddy from the afternoon as we walk out hand in hand, with Mia hugging the enormous stuffed koala I insisted on buying for her. Making our way to the car with matching smiles, I don’t remember the last time I was this happy, and I’m not ready to call it a day.

I stop abruptly and turn to face her. “Will you go to dinner with me? I’m enjoying this too much for it to come to an end,” I say honestly.

“Me too. I’m glad you asked.” Her smile widens more before she unexpectedly throws her arms around me and wraps me in a hug. “Jackson, that was the best day I’ve had in a long time. Thank you so much. I’ll never think of the zoo the same.”

“I’m glad you liked it. It’s at the top of my list too.” Holding her feels so good that I never want to let go, and I’m hoping there’ll be plenty of time for more in the days and weeks to follow.

I reluctantly release my hold as she pulls back. “Let me just call my mom to make sure she didn’t plan dinner already.”

“Go for it. I’ll make a call myself.” Stepping away, I pull up my favorite Italian restaurant to make sure they have room for two, anticipating the thumbs up from her mom.

“We’re good to go. She’s so caught up in her book that she was just going to order in any way.”

I grab her hand as we walk the rest of the way to the car. “Great. Do you like Italian?” I probably should have asked before I chose the place. If she doesn’t, I’ll just cancel, and she can choose somewhere else.

“It’s my favorite. What’s not to like about pizza and pasta?”

“God, I love you—shit… sorry… what I meant is that I love that you’re so real. You’re not fake like the girls I’m used to being with.” I’m glad she’s smiling after the initial look of panic, which is exactly what I did at hearing the words that came out of my mouth.

“Nope, you get what you get with me whether you like it or not. I’m good at keeping a game face on, but I choose not to most of the time. Unless I’m around a certain bosshole.” She smirks up at me and nudges me with her shoulder.

“Damn, you’re not gonna let me live that down for a while, are you?”

“I’m thinking more like never, so don’t hold your breath.” She grins at me, then climbs into her seat, and I shake my head with a smile to match as I close her door.

We continue to laugh the whole way to dinner, recounting the gorilla exhibit. I honestly don’t remember the last time I laughed this much. She’s like the breath of fresh air I didn’t know my lungs were dying for.

Once we’re seated at our table, a question pops into my head. “I’m just curious. What did you tell Walker about Friday night?” I ask, looking up from my menu.

She lifts her head with a contemplative look. “Hm, well, I told him that you showed up right as I was being manhandled and saved the day, then wanted to bring me to your place to declare your undying love to me.”

I choke on my drink and immediately reach for my napkin to wipe up as Mia laughs across the table.

“Just kidding. The first part’s true, and then I told him you’re interested in seeing me. I also said you won’t touch me until my birthday, other than grinding on me that morning.” Her eyebrows go up mockingly.

“God, he must think I’m an asshole trying to take advantage of you, doesn’t he?”

“No. He knows me, and if you think youcould take advantage of me? Well, then,youobviously don’t. I let him know that you were the one to put the kibosh on things and wouldn’t let me taint your morals.” She smirks, making me chuckle.

“I’d say they’re pretty flimsy morals after what happened on the way to the zoo. You’re too tempting to resist. Just thinking about it now… let’s just say it’s a good thing there’s a tablecloth.” She giggles as the waiter approaches to take our order.

After he leaves, I ask her what I’ve been dying to know all afternoon. “So tell me, do you like what we did?”

“I’d say that was obvious, wouldn’t you?” she says sarcastically—such a tease.

“You gotta give me more than that. Was there anything you didn’t like, anything you’d change?” Maybe I’m looking for reassurance, but I also want to make sure she’s pleased and gets what she needs from me.

“I would have rather hadyourhand in my pants instead of mine.” She’s so blunt.

“Fuck, Mia. You’re killing me over here.” I reach down to adjust myself.

“You asked.” She shrugs. “Seriously, though, I like it when you talk. It’s a big turn-on. And when you grabbed my hand and… you know… I almost orgasmed from that alone.”

Thank God we’re in public, or we wouldn’t make it to Wednesday with my no-touching rule. Fuck, this girl is driving me insane. I know what I’ll be doing later. Who am I kidding? I’ll be doing it every night until I make her mine.

“I’m glad you feel comfortable being honest.” She puts her head down at that statement and presses her lips together. I’m sure that has to do with the secrets we both know she’s keeping from me, but I’m not bringing it up while we’re having such a good time.

“So, tell me about school and what you’re going for.” My dick needed a change of subject before it ended up snapping in half. Maybe the rest of the meal will be slightly more comfortable.