Page 44 of Dangerous Pursuit

There’s not much I can say to that considering it was theonlyexperience of my life.Holy crap.Did that seriously just happen?Thank God I’m blindfolded right now, or else I’d die from mortification.

I hear the click of the glove box before something soft is placed in my hand. “Here’s a napkin, in case you need it. I’ll clean up and get back on the road. We’re almost there.”

“Where?” I ask super casually, earning a chuckle.

“Nice try. You’ll see soon enough.” After a moment, he says, “Hey, Mia?”

I turn my head in his direction. “Yeah?”

“Thank you. That was… surprising. And I like surprises.”

I can’t stop the massive smile that forms. “I’m starting to,” I respond, making him laugh again.

“Good, ’cause I’m just getting started.” He brings my hand to his mouth and kisses it, causing butterflies in my belly for no reason other than he makes me happy.

After less than ten minutes of driving, we’re parked once more.

“Can I take the blindfold off now?” I ask as soon as the car turns off.

“Impatient much?”

“Well, I just figured I’d be able to since we’re here. It’s not like you can make me walk around with it on. That would be weird.”

“I’m pretty sure I can do whatever I want, and if you keep it up, I’ll make you keep it on just to mess with you. Now, what’s your favorite animal?”

“Huh? Why?”

“Because it’s part of my quest to know everything about you. Just answer the question.”

“You’re insane.” I think for a moment before answering. “Koalas. What’s yours?”

I’m met with a minute of silence, and then he answers. “Wolves.”

“Why wolves?” I ask.

“Because they’re strong, protective, and care for their women. Why do you like koalas?”

Could his answer be any more perfect? Is this guy for real?

“Because they’re cute. I did a report on them in middle school and fell in love. They look like big cuddlers, and the mom carries her baby in a pouch. I know they’re wild animals and can be aggressive, but how can you think badly of something so adorable?”

“Am I adorable?”

“I wouldn’t put you in the adorable category. More along the lines of… charming.”

“I’ll take it. Okay, so here’s the deal. I’ll remove the blindfold if you keep your eyes closed until I say. I brought a pair of sunglasses so no one will know, and I won’t steer you into danger, I promise.”

“You sure make a lot of promises, you know that?”

“I mean every one of them.”

Sometimes, he just takes my breath away. I swear he’s too good to be true. How did he pull off being an asshole for so long?

“Ugh, fine, Ipromiseto keep my eyes closed.”

“Good girl.” I feel his hand on my cheek, and then his thumb runs over my lips before moving to the scarf.Maybe we should have a round two first…

“Close your eyes, Mia. I mean it, no peeking,” he says before removing the blindfold and replacing it with sunglasses.