Page 41 of Dangerous Pursuit

“Well, then, start talking. What’s going on? Did you do the dirty?” I knew this was coming.

“No. I already told you he won’t touch me until my birthday. Well, not completely. We were kind of grinding on each other while spooning this morning, and he was nuzzling my neck, but that’s all.”

“Whoa, I need details, but back up and start at the beginning. How did you end up with him in the first place? I thought you were going to play poker. There’s no way he could’ve been at another game again when this has never happened before.” I can hear the suspicion in his voice.

This was the part I was worried about explaining. I’m still clueless as to how Jackson found me, and I’m not sure whetherto tell Walker about the assault or not. I don’t want to worry him for no reason, but I also don’t want to lie to my best friend more than necessary.

I describe the situation that led me to his house, glossing over how he knew where I was, finishing up with something to distract him.

“The important part is that he wants to date me, so we started by going to breakfast this morning.”

“Right after you dry-humped each other in bed… that’s not considered keeping his hands off, you know.”

“Hence the ‘not completely’ part. I didn’t exactly help the matter. If I’d had my way, he would’ve bypassed first and second and gone straight to third base, but he stopped when I tried to move his hand down. His willpower is annoying.”

“Holy shit, way to finally take the plunge. Do you seriously like this guy? Because other than the fact that he’s hot, he’s been a total prick. What changed?”

“Well, last night was insane, and then breakfast… wow. He’s the full package, Walker. He’s funny, sweet, a gentleman who opens doors, and he asks questions while actually listening to the answers. We hadn’t had any real conversation until last night, but it’s weird—he seems to know me. It’s like he’s been paying attention to everything since day one. Which may sound a little creepy, or it could prove that he really was interested this whole time but resisted.”

“Huh, so what? You’re in love now?” It sounds like Walker’s not as sold on the idea as I thought.

“Heck no, it’ll take more than a little chivalry and a few words for that. But if he’s for real, then I want to see where it leads.”

He sighs. “I can’t say I’m surprised. I saw it coming a mile away. Plus, he wouldn’t be taking you to Montana with him if he couldn’t stand you, which means he probably has ulteriormotives. I’m glad I’ll meet him on Wednesday so I can check this guy out.”

“So, tell me this. He thinks I’ve been with other guys already. Do I say anything or just leave him in the dark? It’s not like he needs to know, right?”

“This might be one of those times when having a guy for a best friend isn’t very helpful, butasa guy, I’d want to know. It may be no big deal to you, but there are things he can do to make it better for you. And as your gay best friend, I can tell you that that’s important. If Ben had assumed I’d done it before, I may have never done it again. Do you need a clearer picture, or do you want me to leave it at that?”

“Please stop there. And I get what you’re saying, but what if I tell him, and he decides it’s too much hassle and changes his mind?”

“Then he’s not worth it anyway. If the guy is really into you the way he says he is, it shouldn’t matter. It’ll just change the way he goes about things.”

“But I don’t want him to change anything. I like how he is and don’t want to be treated with kid gloves. I want the raw version. Can’t I just tell him right before it happens? If it even does happen.”

“Mia, it’s going to happen. It’s just a matter of when, and if you want to wait until you’re right there, that’s up to you, as long as you give him some sort of heads-up before he rips you in two and then feels like a jerk about it. And if I were you, I’d be packing some sexy lingerie for yourbusiness trip.”

My eyes widen. I hadn’t thought of that. “Crap, you’re right. New plan, then. Can you take me shopping instead of lunch on Wednesday? Pleeeaaase?”

“Hell yeah. Shopping’s my specialty, baby. I’ll leave after third period and come straight to pick you up. See you at noon on Wednesday?”

“I can’t wait! Okay, I’ll see you then. Bye.”

He chuckles. “Bye, Mia.”

When I hang up the phone, I close my eyes, laying my arm over my face. I can’t believe I just had a conversation about having sex with Jackson. That I’m eventhinkingabout sex with Jackson is crazy. My mind goes straight to the scene from his office that day—which happens more often than I’d like to admit—and my hand moves down my body of its own accord.

Picturing his climax makes my body clench with need. God… I want to feel his hands on me, his body on mine, feel him inside of me. My hand pushes under the waistband of my shorts and then into my panties before my fingers graze my clit. A quiet moan escapes as I move them in a circular motion over that sensitive area. I’ve never done this before and can’t believe how good it feels.

The more I picture Jackson, the faster my fingers move, making my breaths become hurried. “Oh God, Jackson. Yes, please,” I whisper.

The pressure is building, and I know something is coming. When I picture him telling me totake it all inlike he did the day in his office, it gets closer. And when I take it up a notch by imagining him calling mehis little girl, I erupt. The explosion hits me with a delicious clenching of my core, repeating over and over again. My fingers slow, and my breathing calms as it fades, and I slowly come back to earth.

How have I never done that before? That was a-maz-ing. My body is humming and more relaxed than it’s ever been. My mind is reeling with thoughts of how much better it will be with Jackson as I fade into the deepest sleep I’ve had in a long time.

