Page 38 of Dangerous Pursuit

“No! Why would I be? I just didn’t know which side to take, and I was worried I picked the wrong one.”

I give her a skeptical look while pointing to my phone. “Riiight. Hmm, it should’ve been obvious since I already plugged my phone in. You sure you’re not nervous?”

“I’m sure.” She’s still clutching the covers in a death grip, motionless save for her head turned my way, nodding.

I climb in and move toward the middle. “Then you, little girl, better get over here and let me hold you.”

“You didnotjust call me that.” She makes no move to join me.

“I did, and I’m going to until your birthday because I know how much you love it. Isn’t that nice of me?” I smile.

“Oh my God, you’re pathetic. You’re seriously going to, just to piss me off, aren’t you?” She shakes her head in frustration and rolls her eyes. I love messing with her. That won’t ever change.

Turning off the light, I lie on my back and pull her over to me. “Maybe, or maybe I like calling you that because it gets me hot. What gets you hot, Mia?” I probably shouldn’t be going down this path, but I’m having too much fun pushing her buttons.

“Ummm, I don’t know,” she squeaks.

“Hmmm, we’ll have to figure that out together, then—after your birthday.” If only my dick would get that memo because he’s been fighting to be let loose all night.

I nuzzle her into me, caressing her back and running my fingers through her hair. She’s tucked into my side with her head on my chest, and I can feel her rapid heartbeat. I’m glad we’re on the same page sexually, but it would be nice if she actually liked me first.

“Get some rest, little girl. I’ll keep you safe.” I smile as I kiss her forehead, and she groans in response. Within minutes, her breathing turns heavy, telling me she’s already succumbed to her exhaustion.

It’s nice having her in my bed, snuggled up to me as if it’s the most normal thing in the world. Having her in my arms feelsright, like it’s where she belongs. Never in a million years did I think this was how my day would end. I didn’t plan on making my intentions known until her birthday but couldn’t stop myself after what happened.

It’s crazy what a difference a day makes when, just this morning, we were arguing as usual. And what a day it was. The fury I felt at seeing her about to be—I can’t even fathom the word—is inexpressible. It would never have happened if she’d simply told me what was going on so I could help her. I’m beyond frustrated that she won’t confide in me and more determined than ever to earn her trust until she does. I just pray nothing else happens until then.

How she’ll react when she finds out I’ve been having her followed has me equally concerned. Sure, it’s for her safety, but will she see it that way? When the time comes, I anticipate it to be a battle of wills, and if I’m lucky, I’ll come out the winner. Until then, I’m not changing anything other than beefing up security, starting tomorrow. It’s worth the risk of her anger rather than any harm coming to her. I just hope she sees it that way in the end.



Before I fully come to, I notice the heat from a body behind me and something hard pressing into my backside. As evidenced by his breathing, Jackson is still asleep, so I remain as motionless as possible. I’m afraid that any movement might wake him, and given our current position, I’m not sure I’m ready for that this morning.

I must have passed out immediately because I had zero time to process everything that happened yesterday. My mind is bombarded with thoughts as they rush into my brain all at once. Such as, what will Frank and Jay do when they catch wind of what happened last night? I don’t think it’ll matter that I was assaulted, and now I’m freaked out over what their supposed consequences will be. The fact of the matter is, I’m a sitting duck until they show up since I don’t want to bring any unnecessary attention by texting them first.

If only I could stay at Walker’s to hide out for a while, but then they’d end up going after my mom as threatened. I know Jackson wants to help, but no part of me would pass on my problems to someone else. He also has no idea what he’s asking for. It’s not like he can just hand over the remaining $180,000, and even if he could, these aren’t the kind of guys you want on your radar. I can’t let him get involved; he has too much to lose and nothing to gain.

Which brings me to my next concern—how do I come to terms with this new side of Jackson? Maybe he’s had these feelings for a while now, but I certainly haven’t. In my reality, he went from tolerating me to trying to date me in the span of one day and is more likely to bite my head off rather than kiss it. There’s no denying the physical attraction, but so far, that’s all it’s been. Had I spent time with last night’s version of Jackson over the last two months, hell, I’d probably be in love by now.

And even though Walker might be all for giving this a go, what will my mom think about the age difference? What doIthink about it? Then there are his parents, who I doubt would be okay with their son dating the cleaner’s daughter, who also happens to be an employee.

I would say my lack of experience also makes the list of concerns, judging by his erection at full mast behind me. He’s made it clear where he wants this to go, and it’s apparent from certain comments that he assumes I’ve been with other guys. It doesn’t seem like something to randomly blurt out: “Oh hey, by the way, this sex thing, yeah, I’ve never done it.”

He’s the guy with a different girl every week, and booty calls to the office for crying out loud. I wonder if he’d change his mind about wanting me if he knew how inexperienced I am. A guy like Jackson doesn’t want to deal with some girl who has no idea what she’s doing. This could be over before it gets started witheverything stacked against us, and likely won’t go anywhere. However, our current sleeping arrangement indicates otherwise.

“Good morning, gorgeous. What’s on your mind?” He must’ve been awake for a minute if he caught my huff of frustration.

He squeezes me and nuzzles the back of my neck, breathing me in. Whatever had me concerned flies out the window when I feel his lips on my skin, and his hips press forward. My body’s reaction is instantaneous, and I get that delicious sensation downthereagain. It’s crazy how easily he brings these feelings to the surface. Does he know what he’s doing to me? I’m so turned on right now, and I’m not sure how to handle it.

A second later, my body takes over by arching into him, and I find myself tilting my head for more. I’m overcome with lust, and he’s not even touching me—not with his hands, anyway. His lips are on my skin, and his dick is rubbing against me, but there are two layers of clothing between us. How in the world does this feel so good?

Oh shit, I think I just moaned.

“Fuck, Mia, you smell so good.” He nuzzles further into my neck and thrusts his groin, and oh… my… God… He’s killing me. Grabbing his hand on my hip, I try bringing it to where I’m aching, only for his muscles to bulge in resistance.

“Mia, I’d like nothing else than to feel your sweet pussy right now, but we’re not going there yet. You’re my little girl, remember? Or should I say… my dirty little girl.” His filthy words whisper against my ear while his lips graze my skin.