“So, you’re attracted to me, huh?” He smirks.
“That’s all you got out of that?” I ask in disbelief.
“I was focusing on the positive.” He chuckles.
“Seriously, Jackson, you’ve been a jerk. I don’t get it. You’ve treated me like a child, acted like I wasn’t capable, and have basically demeaned me for the past two months. I’ll give youcredit for getting better the last few weeks, but before that, you were horrible. You’re telling me that was all just an act the entire time?” I’m shocked by his confession, but I’m also irritated that I had to put up with him, all because he couldn’t handle it.
“Okay, maybe not theentiretime. Yes, I was attracted to you from day one. I mean, you’re beautiful. How could anyone not be? But my resentment toward you was stronger. Not only were you completely off-limits, frustratingly so, but I also didn’t think you were qualified.” I tense at that, and he sighs. “Look, I’m under a lot of pressure. Running this company alone while trying to take it to the next level puts a lot on my plate. And through it all, Cindy’s been my rock, keeping me going day in and day out, and then suddenly you’re forced on me by the same people I’m trying to prove myself to. I expected the worst when they told me.”
“Gee, thanks,” I say sarcastically. Although his perspectiveisunderstandable, and I understand why he felt the way he did.
“But when Cindy went into labor early, and I saw you in action that first day, I could tell you were more than I gave you credit for. But I was too stubborn to let go of your age. I was at war with myself, one side wanting to prove you’d fail and the other realizing how amazing you were. I’m so sorry I put you through hell, and I hope you’ll forgive me so we can move forward.” He ends his explanation with a kiss on my head, which is resting on his shoulder.
He doesn’t press me to respond immediately, and I don’t, staying silent while I process his words and internalize this new reality. What does he mean by “move forward”? As in, getting along in the office? Or something more? And what doIwant? Can I overlook the fact that he’s been a jerk to me over the last two months? And then there’s this screwed-up situation I’m in. I can’t involve him—though he’s already more involved thanI thought if he found me tonight. Maybe we should have that conversation before we dive further into what his intention is.
“Jackson, I think we need to talk about tonight first. How did you know where I was?” I sit up, extracting myself from his hold to face him.
Instead of answering, he reaches up to caress my cheek, concern reflected in his eyes. “First, how are you feeling? Do you hurt anywhere?” I can hear the anger underneath the surface of his words.
“I’m doing better.” Surprisingly, I’m not as weirded out as I should be. Being here with Jackson makes me feel safe… comfortable even.
“What about your pain, Mia? Did he hurt you anywhere other than your face?” He grimaces.
“I’m okay.” He gives me a stern look. “All right, I have a slight headache, and my cheek hurts. He didn’t have a chance to do anything else. He was just rough, is all.”
Upon hearing my last words, he closes his eyes, and his chest slowly expands before deflating. “Come on, let’s go get you something to drink and a couple of aspirin. Then we’ll talk.” He stands up and tugs my hand.
Heading to the kitchen, he guides me to the island with my back up against it and stops before me, caging me in against the counter. Looking directly into my eyes, he says, “I’m so damn sorry I didn’t get there sooner.” He presses his lips to my forehead before he backs away to get a glass of water and two pain pills out of the cupboard, handing them to me expectantly.
After I down the entire thing, along with the medicine, he leads me back to the couch, positioning us so we’re facing each other, our hands clasped in his lap.
“Are you going to tell me how you knew where I was?” I ask before he has a chance to speak.
He smirks. “How about an answer for an answer?” His right eyebrow rises in question before I turn my head to look away.
Shit.Why didn’t I see this coming?
“Don’t you want to play this game, Mia? If you’ll recall, I have quite a few unanswered questions myself.”
“I answered all your questions. You just didn’t like the answers,” I say defiantly.
“Is that how you’d like this to go, then? Because I’d be happy to give you some answers thatyouwon’t like.” He smirks, and I growl in response.
I’m not sure where to go from here. I don’t want to lie anymore, but the truth can’t come out. And I can’t expect him to come clean if I’m unwilling to do the same. It’s frustrating that he’s right and has me backed into a corner.
“Are you ready to tell me what’s going on and why the hell you were at a game like that? Because I have a lot to say on the matter. Or are we at an impasse for now?” He brings my hand to his mouth and kisses it.
His lips on my skin cause flutters in my belly, making me wonder how much better they would feel on my mouth. Maybe we should return to that topic since we probably won’t get anywhere on this one.
“What did you mean earlier when you said you wanted to move forward? Do you mean, start being nice to each other in the office or…?” I leave the question unfinished, unsure how to phrase it.
“Nice change of subject, but I’ll take the bait. What I meant is that I don’t want to hide my attraction to you anymore. And to finally admit that ever since that day you walked in on me, I’ve been imaginingyouon your knees, your mouth around my dick, until you’re swallowing every… last… drop.”
My breath catches as the image comes to mind, and I’m trying hard to control the response from my body. Is it possible to orgasm from words alone?
“Oh.” I try to normalize my breathing, which could currently be labeled as panting.
He smirks. “If your reaction is any indication, I think you’re just as interested in my fantasy as I am. Unfortunately, neither of us can give in yet. I’m warning you now, though, when you’re old enough to be fucked by a man and not a boy, I’ll be the first in line. Does that clear up any confusion about how I’d like to move forward?”