Page 32 of Dangerous Pursuit

I roll my eyes and groan. “Thanks, I’ll keep you posted. Bye.”

I hang up before walking into the house. Even though the assholes were here yesterday to collect money from a couple of online tournaments I’d won and have no reason to be here today, I’m in the habit of being on edge every time I get home. They’ve shown up three times so far.

Luckily, they’re not monitoring my every move and have no idea I’ve been burning the candle at both ends, playing way more online games to try and build a nest egg back up. I’m being smartthis time by keeping the money hidden in my desk at work. Hopefully, I’ll be done with this mess before Cindy comes back.

I’m exhausted between my day job and sometimes staying up half the night playing in online tournaments. I might be heading toward a major crash if I don’t take a break soon, but I’m determined to pay this debt off as quickly as possible so I can return to normal. Although, I may have forgotten what normalisat this point.

I’m a zombie as I make dinner, but manage to keep from falling asleep during dinner. Mom insisted on doing the dishes, giving me extra time to get ready for tonight’s tournament. This game is in the industrial part of town, so I don’t feel like I need to dress as nice as the last one, but a distraction is still a distraction, so I choose one of my low-cut tops with a pair of jeans and flats. It’s at least comfortable. Knowing the evening is chilly, I grab a jacket and head downstairs.

“Hey, Mom, I’m staying at Walker’s tonight, so don’t wait up,” I say, walking over to hug her goodbye.

“All right, mija, I’ll see you tomorrow, then. Be safe, especially at night, and pay attention to your surroundings. I hate you taking public transportation when it’s dark. It makes me nervous. Will you text me when you’re in for the night?” She’s wrapped in a blanket on the couch with one of her romance novels. I wish she’d get out and date instead of just reading about it. Although, who am I to judge?

“Yeah, I can do that.”

“Thank you, mija. I love you.” She goes back to her book.

“Love you, too, Mom. Bye.”

Locking the door behind me, I head toward the bus stop. There’s a blue sedan-type car down the street that I’ve been noticing for a couple of weeks now. It’s always parked in the same spot and reminds me of a cop car. I’m probably being paranoid, but some part of me wonders if they’re keepingtheir eye on me or if someone else could be. I don’t even know who these guys are, whether they’re some big mafia-type organization or a gambling outfit. What if they’re being investigated, and they’ve been seen at my house?

My mind races with thoughts and theories, making the commute go quickly. Before I know it, I’m getting off the bus as close to the location as possible when I notice how seedy the area is. Great. I keep my phone in hand on the walk there, ready to dial 911 if needed. Luckily, I arrive without incident, but looking at the warehouse I’ve stopped in front of, my unease is far from over.



After spending a couple of hours at the gym, I’m more than ready to unwind at the club. I walk straight up the stairs to the VIP section, where we have a regular table. Everyone’s already there, including Sebastian. Not my favorite guy in the world after he flew in and stole the girl I’d had my eye on, but it was my fault for not making a move sooner. A mistake I don’t plan on making again.

We buried the hatchet when we came together to rescue Lily from an overzealous admirer who thought kidnapping her was the way to make his intentions clear. Luckily, Sebastian had the resources to find her, and we made it there in time, but it was close. It’s why Eli gave me the advice he did, and why I took it. It would have been unforgivable if something happened that could have been prevented.

“Hey, buddy, it’s about time you show up. Did you double your routine today or what? I think your muscles might be protesting.” Braden loves to razz me about my gym time.

“Dude, you wish you had half this going for you.” I go to the gym as much for my mind as I do for my body. It’s my outlet—time to think, plan, and reflect.

“Hell, I’d take a quarter,” Braden says.

“You’re full of shit, Braden. I see you at the gym every day. Jackson’s just in a league of his own. It’s unattainable for us non-Hulk types,” Eli interjects.

“Hey, Sebastian, I haven’t seen you in a while. Aren’t you and Lily joined at the hip?” I get the inevitable out of the way and acknowledge his presence.

He chuckles. “Now and then, I let her out of my sight. She’ll be here after dinner with some other ladies from the office. So, what’s this I hear about some underage girl you’re hung up on?”

I’m sure Eli’s told him all about it. They’re tight, being twins and all. “Four more days until she’s legal, and so far I haven’t touched her. She is a fucking bombshell, though. My discipline has been remarkable considering, but I suppose the risk of bars makes it easier.” I say, hearing snickers from Braden and Eli.

Sebastian continues, “I hear she’s in trouble.”

“I’m not sure, but something’s up. I’m hoping to figure it out next week when we visit Cici and investigate some properties there.”

“You’re visiting Cici? How is she?” Eli never divulged, but I knew there was more to him and my sister than they let on.

“Yeah, finally. She seems to be thriving there. She’s been begging me to visit for months, dangling investment opportunities to entice me. It’s good timing.”Impeccabletiming.

“I bet it is since your travel buddy will be legal, huh?” Braden lifts his beer to cheers.

“I can’t deny it won’t suck to finally get my hands on her, but I’m also trying to help, not just fuck her.”

“Fucking… helping.” Braden lifts both his hands in a pendulum-scale motion. “I’d say both are equally important. You’ve been pining over this girl for two months now. Might as well go for it already.” He’s the biggest manwhore of the group, thoroughly enjoying his single status over the last year.