Braden: Club?
Me: Sure.
Eli: Jackson, cool if Sebastian comes? Lily has some girl thing.
Me: That’s fine. Surprised she’s allowed…
Eli: Be sure to tell him that. See you there.
Braden: I can’t wait to see that. Later, bitches.
Hours of research later, I’m still replaying the conversation with Jackson and wondering if the wink, along with his final comment, was part of my imagination. God knows I’ve imagined some things lately involving Jackson that I certainly should not be. But if I’m reading things correctly, Jackson’s thoughts might not be far from mine. And that right there is a problem.
Things have been going so smoothly between us. It’s been strictly professional—outside my imagination, of course. But honestly, we’ve come a long way. We work well together, and when he’s not hounding me about my personal life, we get along just fine. I’m amazed at how competent he is in running the business. The day-to-day operations have an entire staff to handle, but the property transactions he’s initiating to increase their portfolio are all on him. Not only is he talented… but sexy as hell while he’s at it.
Grrrr.I need to get my head out of the gutter. Especially with this trip we’re taking.Business trip. I’ll need to remind myself often if I’m going to get through it with my virginity—I mean sanity. I haven’t felt anything like what Jackson has made me feel with any of the dates I’ve had, and a couple of them have ended with pretty good make-out sessions. How can someone I’ve never even touched get me more worked up than everyone else?
There’s his body, of course, which is fricking built. From his broad shoulders to the biceps bulging under his shirt, who wouldn’t want to strip him down and lick each muscle? Then, when he shows his megawatt smile, like he did earlier, withdimples to drown in and pearly white teeth… holy crap, Batman, no one stands a chance. But I cannot be hot for my boss. My decade-older boss, who has a new bed partner every night of the week, and is so far out of my league it’s insane. My boss who knows about my secret hobby, and could ruin me if he found out the reason behind it.
Basically, this trip is a disaster waiting to happen, and I’ll need to be on my game to stay on track because if the heat between us isn’t just my imagination, then I’m in trouble.
Wait until Walker hears about this new development. I’m just now calling him on my way home from work to let him know I’m staying at his house since I have another live game tonight.
He picks up on the first ring. “Hey, babe. What’s cookin’, good-lookin’?”
“Nothing yet, but I’m going home to start dinner.” I laugh as I picture him rolling his eyes. “There’s actually a lot cooking, but first things first, can I crash at your place tonight? I have another game.”
“You don’t need to ask every time. Just give me a heads-up so you don’t end up walking into something you’d rather not see.” I hear his smirk in those words.
“Ew, gross.” I make a gagging noise. “I for sure don’t want to see that. No offense, just not my thing.”
“You mean it wouldn’t be as good as watching your boss get off in front of you?” He laughs.
“Ha ha, asshole. But, speaking of—”
“Oh my God, did it happen again?”
“No!No, thank God. I don’t know if I’d survive another show. But here’s the thing. He wants me to go to Montana with him next weekend to look at some real estate he’s interested in. He wants me there to take notes and keep track of everything, and he already bought my ticket, so we’ll have to postponemy birthday celebration.” I press my lips together, dreading his reaction.
“Get the fuck out. Seriously? Oh, Mia, this guy issohot for you. Take notes, my ass. You realize it’ll be perfectly legal for you to do the nasty while you’re there since it’s after your birthday. I bet I’m not the only one to think of that.”
“We will not be doing anything, I can assure you.”
“Care to make a wager?” He asks confidently.
“I don’t gamble unless there are cards involved.”Nor do I make unsure bets.
“Well, either way, it’s time for me to meet this guy. You’re not going on that trip until I do.” Whoa, that is not what I expected to hear.
“I already said I’d go, and you can’t make a judgment call after meeting someone for five minutes anyway. How would you even get the chance to meet him?” He can’t be serious, can he?
“You seem to forget I have a car. So here’s the plan. Since I don’t get to take you out for your birthday as planned, I’m taking you to lunch on Wednesday instead. I’ll come in when I pick you up so you can introduce us.”
“I’m not taking no for an answer—deal with it. Text me when you’re on your way tonight, and not that you need it, but good luck.”