I tried to look up Jackson but only saw his business profile and some family bio regarding their company. I found an article that said Mr. and Mrs. Soloman retired, entrusting their son, Jackson, to carry on, but that sums it up. He exists on Instagram but hasn’t posted in years, so he’s not on social media much. I couldn’t find anything else regarding Jackson or the company. From the few old pictures I did see, he’s hot. But being that he’s a decade older, attraction shouldn’t be an issue.
From the sidewalk, I study the building before me. It’s not pretentious, just an ordinary, one-level office building. It’s large, though, with only one sign above the main entrance, indicating they occupy the whole thing. With as many buildings in their portfolio, it makes sense that they need ample space.
Taking a deep breath, I walk in and see a large reception desk. “Hi, I’m Mia Marcos. I start training today as the temporary assistant for Jackson Soloman.”
“Oh yeah, great. Let’s start with your paperwork, and then I’ll take you back to Cindy.” She hands me a clipboard and directs me to the chairs. “Have a seat and take your time. Come see me when you’re done.”
My nerves are skyrocketing as I fill out the forms with shaky hands. Once I’m finished, my palms sweat as I’m led back to meet Jackson’s current assistant, Cindy. Her desk is in an open area toward the back corner of the building with a large office behind it. The office, which I assume is Jackson’s, has two massive windows on each side of the closed door with blinds that are shut, preventing a glimpse of my new boss.
When Cindy stands to greet me, my eyes immediately gravitate to her protruding belly. I can’t believe she’s still working.
“Mia, I’m so happy to meet you. I was excited when Hazel called to tell me you’d be training. You’ll be a perfect fit while I’m gone.”
“Thanks. I, uh, well, I’ll just be upfront and tell you I have no experience, but I’m a fast learner.” She’s still standing, and I wonder how she’s managing. “Please, sit down. I feel like you could have a baby any minute.”Crap, did I say that out loud?
She laughs. “I wish, but I still have six weeks. It looks worse than it is, I promise. It’s all the popcorn and chocolate over the last seven months. Advice for the future: Don’t use pregnancy as an excuse to eat whatever you want. It doesn’t work out in the end.”
I like her already. Laughing, I respond, “I’ll try to remember that in about ten years. But seriously, let’s sit down.” A chair has already been placed beside hers, so we both take a seat.
She shows me how to do some morning tasks, supervising while I work. The next time I glance at the clock, I see we’ve been at it for a couple of hours already, and things are going great. She’d prepared everything for an easy transition.
While we wait for a program to boot up, I take the opportunity to ask about the boss. “So… what’s Jackson like? I tried to do some research, but nothing came up.”
Instead of answering, I see her eyes dart past my shoulder.
“Good to know my new assistant is cyberstalking me,” comes a deep voice from behind.
Seriously?The man is stealthy.
I swivel in my chair to get my first look at Jackson, towering behind me with a scowl. That answers one question—not so warm and fuzzy, then. But, wow, the last few years have been good to him. He’s built like a beast and could probably snap me in half. Does he live at the gym or what? I mean, seriously, his muscles look like they’re about to bust the seams of his long-sleeved dress shirt. After you get past his biceps, those bright blue eyes draw you in immediately. But it’s his casually styled blond hair hanging slightly over his forehead that gives him a boyish charm. He’s gorgeous, even with the asshole vibes he’s radiating.
“I… I was trying to research the company I’d be working for. My mom didn’t give much information besides the business name and the fact that the owners are nice.”
For some reason, that earns me another scowl. I can tell he’s going to be tough to win over.
“Yeah, they’re the nicest. I’ll be in my office. Message me if you need anything, Cindy. Good luck.” With that, he walks straight into his office and slams the door.
Okay, he’s not happy I’m here. Which is rude, considering he doesn’t even know me. Screw him.
Although he is my boss, so I’d like to start off on the right foot.
“So… I feel like that wasn’t a great first impression.” I look to Cindy for advice.
“He’s usually a softy, but he’s under a lot of stress lately with all our restructuring. Why don’t you try that again and introduce yourself properly? Maybe offer to get him some coffee.” She gives me a look of encouragement as I stand.
Pulling my skirt down and smoothing my shirt, I rap lightly on the door before entering. Walking forward with slow, unsure steps, I approach his desk while he stares with venom.
Whoa, talk about intimidating. Strangely, it’s kind of sexy, which hits me out of nowhere and is so out of character.
“Um, I just wanted to introduce myself and thank you properly. I’m Mia, and I’m truly grateful for the opportunity to be here and eager to learn. I’m prepared to do whatever it takes, sir.”
Could that have sounded any worse?
I peruse her up and down in silence, and what I see is unexpected. Her thick black hair is pulled back, showcasing her slim neckline and gorgeous face. Her darker skin tone is attractive; I remember it was mentioned that her mom is Puerto Rican. It’s her large round eyes that do it, though. They’re soft and innocent, with defiance lurking just beneath the surface. She’s stunning is what she is, which only pisses me off more. But apparently, she is eager to learn.
It must be my lucky day.