“What?Seriously? I’m so excited! Oh my gosh, Jackson, I can’t wait to show you everything.” Shit, if I’d known it would make her this happy, I might have visited sooner.
“Don’t get too excited yet. I want you to find some deals to look at first. Give me a few to consider, and let’s narrow it down before I come out. I’m making it a business trip.”
If I go under the guise of looking at properties, it makes sense to bring an assistant—to take notes, of course. When Braden suggested I take a vacation, the idea came to me. The difference is that he was trying to keep me away from temptation, and here I am, planning to bring it with me.
“There are so many, Jackson. I’m going to flood your inbox. But you better come out here to have some fun, too. Oh my gosh, I’m so excited. We don’t have clubs like San Diego, but there are some great restaurants and bars. You’re going to love it.”
“I’m sure I will with you as my guide. I’ll start making arrangements if you get me some stuff to look at this week. Let me know what hotel to book that’s close to you.” I hope she doesn’t balk at that, but I know better.
“You’re not staying in a hotel. I have plenty of room,” she argues.
“I’m bringing Mia along. I’d like her there to keep track of my questions and the documentation needed for each property. I’m sure she’d be more comfortable in a hotel. It’s a small town, right? It can’t be that far from you.” I’m hoping this explanation puts any suspicion to rest.
“Jackson…” she says suspiciously. “Why would you bring your assistant? You’ve never brought Cindy on abusinesstrip. Is there something going on between you two? Wait. Isn’t she still in high school? What the actual?” I should have known better, but I forgot how perceptive my sister is.
“No, nothing is going on. She’s hot, but I’m not stupid. I wouldn’t jeopardize jail time for a sweet piece of ass. I get plenty,thank you very much. I just think it would do her good to get out of town.”
“Why? What’s in it for you?” I can hear in her voice that she knows there’s more. I might as well come clean enough to satisfy her curiosity.
I sigh. “Look, I think something’s going on with her, and I’m trying to earn her trust because I think she needs help. Maybe if she’s forced to spend time with me, she’ll let her guard down and open up.” I didn’t want to get into this with Cici, but I know her, and she wouldn’t have let it go. But I’m not spilling anything about my deeper attraction to Mia. She’s not ready for that. Or maybe it’s me who’s not ready.
“You seem to be taking a big interest in her. Are you sure it’s only out of concern and not something more? Not that you’d tell me if it was, and since I’m so glad you’re coming, I’ll let you off the hook for now. You’ll have an email with prospective properties by tomorrow afternoon.” I’m sure she’ll see that it’s more while we’re there—if Eli’s observations from last night are correct.
“Thanks, sis. I’ll let you know which ones I’m interested in and send you my itinerary so you can make appointments. Don’t forget to let me know which hotel.”
“I won’t. Bye, Jackson.” She hangs up, and her excitement brings a smile to my face—but also makes me think that maybe she’s lonelier than I thought.
I’m still full from dinner last night as I walk toward my desk. Since I took a nap earlier in the day, it was late after searching for the best hiding spot for my money while contemplating how much to give them. With the last buy-in at two thousand, I’ve determined that’s the amount I’m keeping for my poker fund.
I’ve saved ten thousand dollars and certainly don’t want to hand them all of it, but I’m not sure what the chances are that they’ll ransack my house to look for more if I don’t. I’m torn, but I also need to decide soon since I still have no idea when they’ll show up and need to be prepared. The unknown is killing me, which is part of their plan, I’m sure.
Last I saw Jackson, he was bringing me to Walker’s house. It didn’t go unnoticed that he waited to drive away until I went inside, even though it took me a minute to send the text first. I’m still shocked at falling for his charm and wanting him to kiss me, but I’ve come to my senses, thank God. Hopefully, he’ll turn backinto a bosshole today and further my resolve to put that fantasy out of my head since replacing it with someone else didn’t work. Well, not yet anyway.
Walker is coming over after dinner later to help me sift through some of the other guys I’ve been chatting with and see if there’s anyone else worth seeing. I told him I’d give it one last chance. It really would be nice to have someone to take my mind off lusting over my boss.
Which I realize is damn near impossible when I look up and see him walking in. How is he so damn gorgeous? He looks like he just came from a photo shoot forMuscle & Fitnessmagazine’s “Muscles Undercover” edition. And something about his hands makes me wonder what it would feel like to have them roam over my body. Unlike the small, spindly guys I’m accustomed to from high school, Jackson’s are big and manly, just like the rest of him.
Shit, why does my mind keep going down this path?
“Good morning, Mia. Did you enjoy the rest of your weekend? That was a big pot you took home. Splurge on anything fun?” Whoa, did aliens take over his body since I last saw him? He doesn’t usually talk to me unless it’s related to work.
“I slept the rest of my weekend, and some of us can’t afford to be frivolous.” The snarkiness comes out naturally.
“Yeah, that was a late one,” he says, ignoring my dig, furthering my suspicion of an alien invasion. “By the way, in case I forgot to tell you, you’re a damn good player. Impressive even. I’ve never seen Bill split a pot before. Where’d you learn to play like that?”
Is he fishing for information or just making small talk? Ugh, I’m being paranoid—it’s normal for him to be curious about it, and it doesn’t hurt to tell him, especially since I’m sure this isn’t Jackson. Are the Men in Black almost here?
“My dad taught me. I knew the rules of poker before I could add and subtract. It probably had something to do with me becoming a math nerd.” I laugh at that. The memories are fond, even though thinking of my dad makes me cringe now.
“That explains a lot. He must’ve coached you well. I imagine he’s good if you’re any indication. Wonder if I’ve played with him. What’s his name?” He’s for sure fishing now.
“He’s not good. That’s why he left us—to chase the wins he wasn’t having. He probably plays in seedier games than you’re used to, so I’m sure you haven’t seen him. He’s also no longer part of my life, so I’d rather not talk about him. My skills surpassed his long ago, and what he did teach me isn’t what makes me a good player.” I hope that ends his questioning because I’m done with this conversation.
“You’re right. Most things are gained from experience. I can’t say I’ve mastered any of them, but now and then, I get the cards to keep me going like the other night. It was fun to watch you play, that’s all.” He leans in a bit and lowers his voice. “But just because youcanplay, doesn’t mean you should. I don’t think pursuing tournaments like that is smart. Some of those men are dangerous and wouldn’t hesitate to take advantage of you in that situation.” He’s suddenly concerned about my well-being? Yeah, right.