Calculating how long it’ll take to pay them off is impossible. The problem is that not all games have that large a payout. Two thousand dollars was a steep buy-in, plus there were thirty players. Most games aren’t so big, not to mention smaller dollars. If these guys keep sending me to high-dollar tournaments, I’ll need to keep a bigger cushion.
I’m also not guaranteed to pull off a top finish every time. The minute you start thinking that highly of yourself, you get in trouble like my dad did. You start losing, getting in your head, and it’s a downhill battle from there. I should know because I watched it happen firsthand. Now, here I am, paying the price for his demise.
“So, that’s the girl you’re hung up on. I mean, I can see why. She’s gorgeous. Then add in those mad poker skills, and man, she’d be a catch if she wasn’t so damn young. I’d ask if she’s legal, but we all know she isn’t.” Eli laughs as he takes a swig of his beer.
We’re meeting at the club on Sunday night after dinner with my parents, who were happy to hear that I was settling in with Mia and not obsessing about getting rid of her. Little do they know I’m forming a much more inappropriate obsession with her. I’m sure they wouldn’t be so happy about that.
The only information I garnered was the same I’d already heard—except while paying closer attention, it clicked why her dad was out of the picture. He left them because of his gambling addiction, which would explain where Mia more than likely learned to play. The only other beneficial tidbit was what restaurant Mia’s mom decided on for her birthday dinner, which I’ll use to my benefit. Everyone loves a birthday surprise, right?
“Seriously, enough already. I’ve got blue balls like you wouldn’t believe. I don’t need you rubbing it in.” I’m never going to hear the end of this.
“By the way, what happened during the first break when you two disappeared upstairs?” I knew it was killing him to find out.
“I just questioned why she was there. There’s no way she should be spending two thousand dollars on a poker game. Although seeing how good she is, I’m curious why she isn’t doing it full-time instead of putting up with my bullshit. She gave me some lame excuse, but I don’t buy it. She’s hiding something.”
“It didn’t look like all you did was talk. You were sporting quite the boner when you came back down, and her face was flushed as hell. Did you do something you shouldn’t have? You know she’s a dangerous pursuit for you,” Eli warns me.
“I’d think it was right up your alley with your adrenaline-chasing tendencies.” I retort, his accusation irritating.
“I’ve got your back, Jackson. We’ll handle it if shit comes back to bite you. It’s not ideal, but you’ll be okay with her being so close to eighteen,” states Braden, who’s in full attorney mode now.
“Fuck, I didn’t do anything, all right? I won’t touch her until she’s legal, and even then, I’m not sure I will. I haven’t told you what’s happening, but there’s more to the story.” I fill them in on the last couple of days, including the marks I noticed, the private investigator I hired, and my new stalker status.
“Dude, are you the same guy who tormented this girl a few weeks ago? You sound like there’s a little more going on than just concern if you’re scaring her dates away. Did you catch feelings for this chick?” Braden hasn’t had an interest in anything but a good lay since he was dumped by the woman he almost proposed to and decided love was overrated. He also saw what I went through with Lily, further proving it’s not worth it.
“I don’t know. One minute, I want to strangle her. The next, I want to learn everything there is about her, and during both of those, I want to fuck her brains out. If that sounds like catching feelings, then maybe I have. Shit.” I take a long drink of my beer and slam it down.
“From what I saw, you already have it bad, man. You weren’t focused on anything but her the entire night. Your eyes were glued, and everyone there could see it.” Eli chuckles. “So, when will the PI have a report back? Are you putting protection on her until you figure this shit out? You saw what happened to Lily. You can’t be too careful these days—there are way too many psychos out there.” Lily, Eli’s future sister-in-law, was kidnapped by an all-too-eager admirer last year, and if it wasn’t for her security, it could’ve been worse.
“I know, I just haven’t thought that far out. I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing. That’s why I’m talking to you guys. Wouldn’t I be overstepping by having her followed?” I’m so out of my league here. It’s okay if I follow her like a creeper, but don’t hire someone to protect her. What the fuck am I thinking?
“Not if it’s for her safety. Look, if she was someone I cared about, and I saw marks like the ones you described, and you’re sure they’re not consensual, then fuck yeah, I’d put security on her. Especially since she’s not coming clean and won’t tell you what’s going on. She might be in some deep shit. Though that begs the question, do you want to get caught up in something for a girl you know nothing about and aren’t involved with beyond an eye-contact orgasm?” I know Eli means well, but Christ, way to put it out there.
“Fuck you. She doesn’t have anyone else. I think I’m the only one who knows there’s a problem, and yeah, I do fucking care about her. I don’t know why or when it happened, but it did, and it’s too late to turn back, so tell me what to do.”
“I agree with Eli.” Braden cuts in. “Fuck overstepping and hire someone to watch her. If something worse happens, you’ll never forgive yourself. Second, you’ve gone this long, so keep your dick to yourself until she’s of age. Take a two-week vacation if that’s what it takes. It’ll make my job a lot easier if shit hits the fan.”
“Jesus, Braden, I can keep it in my pants for two weeks. But you did just give me a great idea. Eli, will you send me the contact for the security company Sebastian used for Lily?” At that, I call it a night and head home to start planning.
First, I followed their advice to set up protection for Mia. Although, they said it would be impossible to cover her adequately without her knowing since she uses public transportation. They suggested putting a device in the battery compartment of her phone to make it doable. It gives me creepervibes, but as Eli said, it’s this or risk something worse happening until she comes clean about what she’s involved in. With security tailing her, I’ll find out what shit she’s gotten herself into one way or another.
The second part of my plan is a little more complicated and conniving. It also means involving someone else as an unwitting accomplice. Picking up the phone, I dial, hoping the idea Braden unknowingly gave me turns out to be a good one.
She answers on the first ring. “Jackson?”
“Hey, sis.”
“What are you doing calling me on a Sunday night? I’m surprised you’re not too busy with your flavor of the week.”
“If that isn’t the pot calling the kettle black, I don’t know what is.” My sister made it clear long ago there was no room for the tough big brother act in her life. She likes her men the same way I like my women: horizontal, perpetual, and varietal.
“Yeah, yeah. So, what’s up? Last we talked, you were pissed about some new assistant the parentals made you keep. Has the big bad wolf scared her away yet?”
“Nah, she turned out to be okay and managed to suffer through my bullshit to come out the other side. We’re making it work. Anyway, there’s a reason I’m calling. You keep hounding me to visit and check out all the great opportunities there, so I figured I’d take you up on it.” She’s screeching in excitement while I’m still talking.
Cici chose real estate as her career path after college and decided Bozeman, Montana, was the city to do it in. They were experiencing a growth influx, and it’s far enough away from here to escape our parents without being on the opposite side of the country. That she chose a profession so closely linked to what she was running away from did not escape me.