Page 24 of Dangerous Pursuit

She shakes her head and rolls her eyes as she starts toward the stairs.

Following, I get an eye-level view of her juicy rear end. I wish we had further to go, but unfortunately, we arrive on the main level too soon. Once the money is tucked into her pocket, we head for the exit.

Stepping outside, I cut her off at the first sound of her voice. “Cut the crap, Mia. I’m here, I have a car, and I’m not letting you out of my sight. You can go the hard way, over my shoulder, or the easy way and walk. I have a preference, and it’s not what you think.” I pause, letting that sink in. “So, what’s it going to be?”

She stares at me with a clenched jaw before walking toward the driveway.Good girl, although not what I was hoping for.

“Put the address here.” I point to the touch screen. She enters it, and it’s not what I would expect, knowing what little I do about her. Her mom cleans for my parents, and her dad’s out of the picture. Could she live in that part of town?

“Is that your address?” I ask casually, not wanting to offend her with the reason behind the question.

“No, it’s Walker’s house. I’m staying there tonight.” She’s looking out the window, avoiding my gaze.

“I see. Are you two more than friends?” I ask with a clenched jaw, not sure I want the answer. Is there a chance he was the one who did that to her? Maybe I need to pay this fucker a visit.

“I don’t think that’s any of your business.” She’s right, but I don’t give a shit.

“Is he the one who marked you up like that? Say the word, Mia, and I’ll kick his ass.”

“No! He would never hurt me. He’d be just as mad as you if he knew. Shit.” She shuts her mouth, growls, and shakes her head, frustrated at giving that away.

If he doesn’t know about the abuse she received, then she’s hiding it from everyone. Why?

“Listen, I know you don’t trust or particularly like me. I’ve given you no reason to, but seriously, I can help you, Mia.Whatever it is, I can take care of it if you just tell me what happened.” God, I’m practically begging her at this point. I sound pathetic.

“I told you. It’s nothing I wasn’t looking for.”

“Bullshit!” I bang the steering wheel, making her flinch. “There’s no fucking way that’s true. Why are you lying? If someone took advantage of you, it’s not your fault. Let someone help you. Letmehelp you,” I plead.

She seems to soften at my last statement. “Jackson, I appreciate your concern, but I don’t have a different answer. I’m not who you think I am. Just let it go and forget it. I don’t want to keep arguing with you about it, okay?”

“I’ll drop it for now, but I won’t stop until I have the truth, Mia. Whether I get it from you or by other means is your decision.”

She raises her brows. “What is that supposed to mean? What other means?”

“I have my resources. Don’t think I’ll just let this go, not when I saw the evidence that you’ve been hurt with my own eyes.” I sigh. “Look, I know your dad is out of the picture. You’re not confiding in this Walker guy either, so that leaves your mom, who I’m assuming you’re also not coming clean to.” Her lack of response is all the confirmation I need.

We’re pulling up to the address she punched in my GPS. The car rolls to a stop at the curb, and I put it in Park before facing her. I grab her chin and turn her face to look at me. “You need someone on your side, and whether you want it or not, I’m making that person me. You’ll have to accept it sooner or later.” I rub my thumb along her jaw and then across her bottom lip before reluctantly bringing my hand down and sitting back. I was too close to pulling her in and devouring those lips.

She sighs and shakes her head in denial. “Thanks for the ride, Jackson. I’ll see you Monday.” She exits the car, and I watch as she stops, typing something on her phone before going in.

I pull away with more questions than answers.



Walker wakes me up at noon. “Hey, sleepyhead, it’s time to get up. You’re late for work.”

Grabbing my phone in a panic, I look at the time before noticing laughter spewing from Walker’s mouth and remember what day it is.

“You jerk, it’s Sunday!” I flop back down on the pillow.

“That was priceless. You should’ve seen the look on your face. God, I wish I was filming that shit.” He’s still laughing. Meanwhile, my heart is racing.

“That was not nice. You know I got in after two in the morning. Geez, cut me some slack, would you?”

“How’d it go? Did you rake the table?” he asks.