Page 23 of Dangerous Pursuit

Three of us with larger chip stacks and four more stragglers aren’t out of the game yet. This is about time when the smaller guys start going all-in when they see a top pair in their hand. They’re tired, already thinking they’re done for, and willing to make bold moves. Stupid, in my opinion, but when you’re already down, it doesn’t matter and sometimes pays off. To these guys, two thousand dollars is nothing; to me, it’s everything.

We get down to four players, and the chips are in my favor. It’s a good sign, but as the saying goes, the game isn’t over until it’s over. Never assume the win. Jackson was the last to bet on this hand, and it’s my turn to call. I’m not sure what the protocol is for taking your boss out. It’s not like he won’t walk away a winner, just a few grand less than the next spot.

“What’s it going to be, Mia? You’ve seen my cards all night, right? Call me if you think I’m bluffing.”

“Who says I think you’re bluffing? Maybe I’m just wondering if my hand is better than yours.” Oh my God… I can’t say anything without it sounding like an innuendo—this sexual tension is killing me.

“I’d be happy to find out, but we should finish the game first.” This earns a few snickers. “Pay to play, little girl.”

Okay, that’s it. Taking the boss out is no longer a concern. I already knew I had him beat, but I wasn’t last on the button, so my contemplation was not on his hand at all but on how to maximize my take from the other players.

“Well, in that case, by all means. And you know what? I’m all-in. How about you? Areyouwilling to go all-in?” I ask the last question with a slow drawl, deliberately implying more to the statement than the game at hand. I know I’m flirting with disaster when his eyes darken. It’s the same look he had a couple of hours ago when pressed against me.

The entire table folds, not wanting to get involved in whatever this is between me and Jackson, who’s staring me down. I could have been a little more strategic, keeping one or two guys in, taking a larger pot, but damn, he pushes my buttons. He’ll figure out soon that thislittle girldoesn’t back down.

He throws his cards on the table, folding his hand. “I’ll go all-in when I’m confident there’s no risk. Until then, I think I’ll keep playing.”

“That’s the thing, Jackson, the risk never goes away. You’re just prolonging the inevitable.”

What have I gotten myself into?


She’s probably right. I like this bolder side of Mia—it’s sexy as fuck. This girl is a force to be reckoned with, not the complacent one from the office.

I go all-in not much later and lose out to another player. There’s a part of me that wishes I’d just gone against her when I knew I’d lose, adding to her stack, but honestly, she doesn’t need the charity; she’s holding her own just fine. It’s down to her and just two others.

My dick has been strained all night, hard as a rock and dying to break free. The incident upstairs has been on constant replay, and if it weren’t for the great cards I’ve been dealt tonight, I’d have been out a long time ago from being distracted. With only three players left, I’m sticking around. There’s no way I’m lettingher leave alone when I still don’t know the story behind the marks on her body. Until I do, I’ll be keeping an eye on her. I end up hanging around the table, watching as if I’m interested in the game when all I’m truly interestedin is the girl whom my eyes rarely stray from.

She’s an amazing player. How she’s this talented at such a young age leads to more questions. If she’s this good, why the hell has she put up with me for so long instead of doing this for income? Her finish tonight isn’t a fluke. She earned it and could be a professional player if she pursued it, although that could be dangerous for someone like her.

Although I love the game, I’m not serious about it. It’s a hobby, not an income source, and certainly not an addiction. Socializing is why I do it more than anything, and it breaks the monotony of going to the club and hooking up.

The evening proceeds with normal trash talk, however no insults are directed toward Mia. I’m sure everyone caught on to some type of connection between us and wouldn’t have risked an offensive remark while I was here. I’m a big guy. After playing football all through college, the discipline to care for my body has stuck, and I lift daily to keep my physique in top shape. I could take anyone in this room and barely break a sweat.

Mia is quiet while she plays, only speaking when she places her bet or calls. The most she’s said all night was when we bantered with each other. Other than that, she’s been impossible to rile up, remaining calm throughout. It’s unnerving, and I’ve noticed it gets under the skin of the other players when they can’t get a reaction from her.

The third player finally goes out, leaving only Mia and Bill. “Mia, you’re quite the player. Where did you learn?” he asks during the next shuffle.

“Here and there. Online. You know.” It’s a short answer and a complete cop-out. She’s obviously hiding something.

“Well, you must be a natural, then, because it took me years to master the art of poker.” He looks at her until she lifts her eyes to meet his. “So, Mia, we’ve been playing for hours, and we’re equally stacked. What do you say we split the pot and call it a night? I’d like to get home to the missus, but I’ll play until the end if that’s what you want.”

She’s quiet as she contemplates for a few minutes before answering. “Yeah, we can do that. Who knows how long we’d be here if we didn’t, and I’m getting tired anyway. Thanks for offering.”

“The thanks are all mine. You’re a challenging opponent. It’s been a real pleasure. Do you need help getting home?”

“That won’t be necessary, Bill. I’ve got her. Nice of you to ask, though,” I interject. I can tell she’s dying to argue, but sheissmart enough to wait until we don’t have an audience.

“Well, in that case, you enjoy the rest of your weekend. Jackson, it was good to see you.” He walks upstairs, leaving the two of us alone.

I knew it wouldn’t take her long. “I don’t need help getting home. Can you believe I made it here like a big girl? And now I’ll get home like one—by myself.” Sarcasm is dripping from her voice. She drives me fucking crazy.

“It wasn’t dark then or two in the morning. There’s no way I’m letting you go alone.” I stand inches away, staring down at her, looking formidable with my arms crossed, giving my best “don’t fuck with me” vibe.

“Jackson, you are not the boss outside of work. I can take care of myself.” Same argument I’ve heard before, and quite unimpressive at this point.

“Come on, get your winnings, and we’ll discuss it upstairs.”