Page 21 of Dangerous Pursuit

“Keep talking shit, and we’ll see what laws I can break. Why don’t you worry about whether she’ll kick your ass in poker and not how old she is.” This shuts him up, and he doesn’t respond. The subtle lift at the corner of Mia’s mouth tells me she heard my response.

My eyes follow as she makes her way to the only empty seat, which happens to be at Eli’s table. Great. He better keep his mouth shut. He knows I’m attracted to her, but that’s all. I haven’t told him about my recent stalking tendencies or that I may have discovered that I’m interested in more than just her body.

Damn, the surprises keep coming. How did she get invited to this, anyway? It’s a big money pot, and I know she doesn’t have a lot to spare. She made that clear early on when she was insulted by the comments about her clothes. That was when I first showed my cards, so to speak, and alluded to my attraction.

Speaking of which, what the fuck is she wearing? I swear she keeps throwing curveballs. Her black slacks are fine, but waist up, I want to walk over and cover her with my jacket. She’s wearing a mesh blouse with a sexy bra underneath that manages to push her cleavage up over the low-cut neckline more provocatively than I’ve seen before. Is this her typical style or aploy to keep the attention on her chest instead of her cards? She dressed more conservatively for her date, so I assume the latter.

“Ah, the Queen of Hearts has arrived,” Eli says as she reaches her seat.

“I have. I’m Mia,” she responds, sitting and organizing her chips. It’s apparent that she’s familiar with the motions, digging right in with no hesitation.

“Very nice to meet you, Mia. I’m Eli. Good luck tonight.” His back is to me, but I have a clear view of Mia and her steely demeanor, which she put in place the minute she sat down.

“Thanks. You too,” is the only thing she gives in return.

My eyes rarely stray from their table as the game gets underway. It’s fascinating to watch. This isn’t her first rodeo with how comfortable and capable she is. And it’s sexy as hell, prompting an uncomfortable situation under the table.

The game progresses as blinds are raised and people are starting to bust. Thank fuck I’ve been blessed with good cards because I’m too mesmerized by Mia to focus on playing. Between listening to the conversation and watching their progression, I’ve discovered that Mia’s a fucking shark. And suddenly, I’m desperate to know more about the girl who has consumed my thoughts for weeks, leaving no room for anyone else.

I want to learn everything there is—but first and foremost, why the fuck she’s here, subjecting herself to so many scumbags and putting herself in danger.

When the tenth guy busts, we’re given a ten-minute break before consolidating to two tables.

Time to get some answers.

I’m the first out of my chair, reaching a still-seated Mia to lean down and whisper from behind. “Follow me.” I catch Eli in the background, raising his eyebrows in question. Ignoring him, I turn around and hope to God she follows. I’d hate to make ascene, but I will if necessary. Luckily, it’s not, since the sound of her footsteps indicates she’s behind me.

On the main level, a hallway leads to a library, which I discovered upon arrival while using the restroom. I go in that direction and step inside, shutting the door after she enters. “Want to explain what the fuck you’re doing here, spending an entire month’s salary on a game of poker? How did you even get an invite?” Okay, maybe that wasn’t the best way to start, but I’m so pent-up that it was inevitable.

“I have just as much right to be here as you do. You’re not my dad, nor do I owe you an explanation.” She takes a step closer with her last sentence, displaying strength.

I move forward, putting myself mere inches from her. She leans back but doesn’t retreat. “Maybe what you needisa daddy to answer to. Seriously, Mia, what the fuck are you thinking? Some of these men are dangerous. This is no place for someone like you. And in case you forgot, you are not an adult.”

“You don’t know anything about me or what kind of person I am. And stop with the adult comments. I’m eighteen in nearly two weeks. Just drop the age thing already. You do not get to tell me what to do. You may be my boss, but we are not at work. As far as I’m concerned, you’re the most dangerous one here.” She leans forward in anger.

I close the gap by another inch, and this time, she steps back. I do it again and again until her back hits the wall, then cage her in with my hands on either side of her and look down menacingly.

“You want me to overlook your age? Are you sure about that,little girl? Would you like to see how dangerous I am?” My dick is rock-hard in my pants, busting at the seams and dying for friction.

“I… I want you to stop thinking of me as a child, that’s all.” The last words are practically a whisper as she licks her lips, begging to be kissed.

I press my body into hers. “Does it feel like I think of you as a child… or does it feel like I wish more than anything you weren’t? The fact of the matter is this: You. Are. Off. Limits. No matter how I see you.” I press harder into her, and she lets out the tiniest moan. Fuuuck, I’m torturing myself.

I push off the wall and shake my head. “Look, you don’t belong here. Why are you putting two thousand dollars on the line in the first place?” That’s the real reason I pulled her away—to question her, not to rub my dick on her. Although, now that I have, it’s all I want to do.

“I’m here because I enjoy playing, which I’m assuming is the same reason you’re here. Speaking of, we need to get back.” She starts toward the door.

“Don’t think I’m letting this go,” I warn.

“Ugh, just… whatever.” She throws her hands up and walks out with me trailing behind like the puppy dog I am.


Now that’s the feeling I wanted from my kiss last night. Yet here I am getting it from my boss—again. Dammit, why does my body keep responding to him like this? The minute he caged me in, my breath became erratic, and I couldn’t focus. I wanted him to kiss me so badly; it was all I could think about. Then, when he pressed into me… holy hell, all coherent thought was lost. The feel of his firmness was such a turn-on that a moan came out. How embarrassing.

He’s such an ass, treating me like a child. Well… not entirely. But he’s acting like I can’t take care of myself, which is infuriating when I’ve been doing it for longer than most. I mean,yes, I live at home with my mom, but we take care of each other. We’re a team. I’m not the helpless little girl he thinks I am. I have every right to be here, and I’ll prove it by playing the best damn game ever.

We choose cards for our seats after walking in and end up at the same fricking table.Just great.Oh well, I need to stop letting him get to me. While I’m slightly distracted by the memory of his body pressed against mine, as soon as my ass hits the chair, my poker face comes on.