Making it through today is not possible. Finding someone to fill in for my fantasy is. Relief sets in after a one-minute phone call to my last hookup, knowing I’ll be sated soon. Now I need to create enough work to keep Mia busy. I’d send her to do my grocery shopping, but I learned my lesson last time. All I did that night was fantasize about her in my space. Thank God she didn’t put my dry cleaning in the closet. Fuck, imagining her in my bedroom would have been the death of me.
“Mia, could you come in for a minute?” I ask through the intercom, apparently feeling better with my solution on the way. I’m not usually so nice in my tone, nor do I typically ask. The habit developed early on and was ingrained by the time I decided to keep her on. Oh well… it works for us.
She knocks, as always, with my new practice of keeping the door shut—anything to maintain distance.
“Come in,” I call out.
“What can I do for you, Jackson?”
I can’t wait for her to ask that question in three weeks.God, she kills me. Her voice is my kryptonite. Her neck is my weakness, with her hair pulled back in a slick ponytail. She appears more sophisticated today, like there’s someone to impress, making the following words pop out of my mouth for no reason other than curiosity but taste an awful lot like jealousy.
“Do you have plans after work today?”
“I do, sorry.” She sounds nervous.
“Why are you sorry?” I ask, abstaining from the burning question of what those plans are.
“Well, I assume you asked because you had something for me to do.” She’s confused.
“If I had something for you to do, I wouldn’t care about your plans. My question was because you look ready to go somewhere.”
“Oh, well… I’m going to some fundraiser tonight.” She waves her hand in the air.
So, she has a social life. Interesting. I’ve never wondered about it until now, and I’m dying to know more. Like, does she have a boyfriend, and how do I not know that by now?
“What was it you needed then?” she asks impatiently.
Good question. It’s time to move on rather than get myself in trouble by continuing down that dangerous road.
I hand her a paper. “Here’s a list of things I need you to follow up on. I’ll also need you to stop by the maintenance department and deliver this to Jeb. Have him print off the monthly reports while you’re there. You can do that before you get my regular order from the deli and bring it all to me at one o’clock. That’s all for now.” It should be enough to keep her busy and conveniently out while my guest is here.
“Will do. See you this afternoon.” She turns around, utterly oblivious to my penetrating gaze on her backside.
Fuck. Is it noon yet?
It’s twelve-thirty, and I’m getting impatient. Mia’s left to run the errands I gave her, and if Valerie doesn’t show up soon, I’m going to lose it. My door stands open to welcome her arrival, and I’m deep in an email when I finally hear her approach. I look up to see the door closed as she saunters toward me, giving me the green light.
“Thank fuck you’re here. I’d be lying if I said this’ll be a fair exchange, but you did beg to suck my dick last time. Are you ready to come show me what you can do with that mouth ofyours?” I push my chair back slightly from the desk and point to the floor before me.
She sashays over with a seductive look on her face. “I thought you’d never ask.” She kneels as I undo my belt and unzip. My dick’s been at half-mast all day, and now it’s ready. I pull it out and stroke myself as I reach around her head to pull her down.
“Open up for me,” I say, angling the head toward her mouth. I feel the first lick and moan. “Oh, yeah. Show me what you’ve got. Don’t hold back, baby. There’s not much time.”
She takes me in slowly as I look toward the ceiling and close my eyes. What comes straight to mind is none other than a sexy little assistant with black hair in a high ponytail and her full lips wrapped around my cock. I grab her hair, gripping it tight while she works me up and down.
“Fuck yeah.” Shit, I almost called her Mia but caught myself and said it silently instead. The thought is all it takes to make my balls tighten, practically ready to explode. “Suck harder. Yeah, just like that.”
I open my eyes, overcome with sensation, and catch movement in my periphery. Bringing my head down, I see Mia frozen in the doorway, holding my lunch with her mouth open in shock. Our gazes collide. I’ve hit a new low because this right here… it’s happening.
“Take it all in, little girl,” I say as I grip Valerie’s head, staring into Mia’s wide brown eyes. “You like that, don’t you?” I ask, talking straight to Mia, noticing the flush in her cheeks and the visible gulp she makes in return. “Yeah, you do. That’s right, baby.”
“I bet you’re soaking from this.” Her mouth parts and her chest starts to move quickly. Knowing she’s as turned on by this as I am is all I need to put me over the edge. I tighten my grip, flex my hips, and hold Valerie’s head down as I explode down her throat, all while watching Mia’s heated reaction.
“Fuck… fuck… fuuuck.” It seems to last forever while I’m fixed on the sight before me: Mia’s rapid breaths, the lustful slack in her jaw, and the haze in her eyes. I’m mesmerized as my climax finishes while my girl soaks in the scene before her. Suddenly, she breaks the spell, abruptly turning and closing the door.
Holy fuck, that was the orgasm of all orgasms.
“Did someone just walk in?” Valerie asks as she rises, wiping her mouth.