“You have got to be kidding me.” I’m staring at my parents with my mouth open in shock.
“Jackson, Sofia’s had a hard life, and if we can do something as simple as give her daughter a job to show some kindness, then that’s what we’re going to do. Her husband walked out on her and that poor girl five years ago. He just left them to gamble his life away.” My mom has always had a bleeding heart.
“Mom, she’s seventeen, for fuck’s sake. She’s barely out of diapers, and you expect her to be my assistant? Do you know what that entails?” I’m outraged. And that’s putting it mildly. I knew Cindy, my executive assistant, was going on maternity leave soon, but I’d already talked to her about hiring someone from a temp agency to take her place until she returned. Instead, they want a high schooler to do her job.
Not only have I been managing the company alone since my sister, Cici, decided she wanted no part of the familybusiness, but now I’m being forced to do it with an immature, inexperienced teenager. It’s hard enough without the partner I thought I’d have with my sister. If it weren’t for Cindy, my overly competent assistant, I might have run away like Cici.
As it is, my goal is to take us beyond anything they ever hoped for, which I’ve been doing a damn good job of so far. This, however, could be a significant setback. Since my parent’s retirement, my focus has been on growth, having several deals in the works for sales and acquisitions of multiple properties, and now they’re asking me to navigate it with inadequate help.
“I do know what it entails, Jackson. I stepped down a year ago, not long enough to forget. I’m also aware that Mia is a bright young lady who will do just fine after being trained by Cindy. You’re overreacting. Young people are eager and make excellent employees. Don’t be so dramatic.” Mom is running the show on this one, while Dad has been uncharacteristically quiet, obviously making this her decision.
“Since you’ve already committed, it is what it is. But just so we’re clear, Iwillmake other arrangements if she can’t keep up. I’m knee-deep in contract negotiations right now, and I need someone on top of their game. If she’s not up to the task, I’ll have to find someone who is.” My mom can put her foot down on hiring her since this is still technically their company, but if I set my expectations up front, I’ll have more firing power later.
My dad finally speaks up. “I agree, son. Give her a chance, and if she doesn’t work out, we’ll reevaluate the situation and find a different position for her.”
“All right, one chance. When should I have Cindy start training her? She’s still six weeks out, so a month from now?” Having my dad’s back makes me more agreeable.
“I already made the arrangements, dear,” Mom cuts in. “She starts on Monday. Even though Cindy’s not due for anothermonth and a half, she could go into labor before then. This way, Mia will be fully trained in case.”
Fuck. My. Life.
I dial Braden as soon as I pull out of the driveway. “I need a drink. Meet me at the club?”
“Yeah, sure. What’s got you so riled up?”
“Just leaving my parents’. I’ll fill you in when I get there. See you soon.” If anyone can talk me down, he can.
I don’t have to tell him what club we’re headed to. Ever since I helped our friend Eli with a business transaction he was doing, we’ve been on the VIP list at a local nightclub he owns. It’s a nice perk: good service, prime tables, and plenty of hot women.
Braden is waiting on the sidewalk when I arrive. “Hey. What went down with your parents to put you in such a mood?”
“Fuck. This takes the cake, man. They have me running the company yet are insisting I replace Cindy with a fucking seventeen-year-old high schooler while she’s on maternity leave. I’m livid.” I run my hand through my hair and sigh in frustration. I’m so pissed I can’t see straight.
“Dude, you can’t even bang her. That sucks.”
I laugh along with him. Leave it to Braden to lighten the mood. “You got that right. Come on, let’s go find someone I can.”
Glancing at the clock on the computer screen, I realize it’s time to call it. Shoot. I’m on a winning streak, but oh well. Mom will be home soon, and I’d be in big trouble if she caught me playing online poker. I’ve made it this far with my secret; I’m not screwing up now.
If she knew this was what I did in my spare time, she’d probably take away all electronics, cancel Wi-Fi, and anything else she could think of to stop me. All thanks to my dad, whowalked out five years ago because of his addiction, which just so happens to be gambling in the form of poker. The good news? He taught me everything he knew. I’ve played since I was old enough to count and surpassed my dad’s talent at an early age. Being a whiz with numbers is handy, but my real strength is hiding emotions, which is crucial when playing live games.
When I saw how hard my mom was working to support us after he left, I decided to help. She thinks we get the extra money from a part-time job I made up. She’d keel over from shame if she found out the truth. I don’t think she’s recovered from my dad leaving us, even after all these years.
After an hour in the kitchen, I hear the front door close seconds before she walks in. “Ooh, what did you make tonight, honey? It smells delicious.”
“Some pollo guisado tonight. It’s almost finished. I figured you could take the leftovers to work with you tomorrow.”
“Oh, mija, you’re so good to me. I’ll set the table. I have something exciting to tell you over dinner.” She looks ecstatic, piquing my curiosity.
We dig in as soon as our butts hit the chairs. Cooking is something I picked up over the last few years. With the internet to provide recipes, I could probably make anything out there, and if groceries weren’t so expensive, I’d be able to prove that theory.
“So, what’s the exciting news?” I figured she’d get right to it, but we’ve been silent for the first five minutes, devouring our meals.