Page 9 of Bad Demon

Not surprising since, the only demons allowed to live openly in this part of the city had to be able to pass as human, and they also needed to know how to follow rules. If not, either the knights of Hell would take care of them, or the hounds would collect them and drag their asses below ground to answer to Lucifer and receive punishment for their crimes.

“Just up here.” Zinnia motioned to a store ahead.

Malicious Brew was painted on a sign above the door. I strode in and was instantly assaulted by so many different scents that my fucking skull was buzzing. I snarled, shaking my head, my beast rearing up inside me, as I scanned the room, then tilted back my head, forcing myself to scent the air.

“This shit is burning my fucking nostrils.” A growl built in my chest as a sensation I didn’t recognize rolled through me and had me curling my fingers into tight fists. “I don’t like this, Zinny. It’s too much. I can’t smell anything else. No nose, no idea what the fuck’s coming …”

A beaded curtain hung at the back of the shop, and I braced as it was drawn back.

A tiny female walked out, and I narrowed my eyes at her, wrestling control of the beast as it fucking leaped forward.


She was short as fuck, curves for days, and had wavy blood-red hair that reached her round ass. Her face was humanoid but reminded me of a pixie or one of the fae with that upturned nose and those full pink lips.

She stopped abruptly. Her yellow-green eyes landed on me, and they widened. Her gaze shot to the Devil Dogs MC patch on my leather vest.

“I didn’t do anything,” she said. “Whatever they told you, I’m innocent.” She lifted her hands, backing up like she was ready to bolt. “I didn’t do anything. Don’t take me away, please … don’t …”

“Not here to take you to Hell, demon,” I said before she took off, and Zinnia was left empty-handed. “So, slow your roll and take a fucking breath.”

She blinked those wide eyes up at me. “You’re not?”

“Nope.” I subtly sniffed. There was something familiar in the air, but it was hard to place with all the other scents saturating the room.

“He’s just keeping me company,” Zinnia said quickly, obviously afraid the little demon would take off as well. “I’m here for a couple of ingredients—that’s all.”

The demon’s alarmed expression changed, and she scowled. “What the fuck is wrong with you, witch? You brought a freaking hellhound into my shop? I almost pissed myself.” She turned her scowl on me. “And you should know better.” She shook her head. “Hounds, man. Meatheads, the lot of you.”

My head jerked back at all that attitude and fire she was throwing at me. “What did you call me, demon?”

“You heard me.” She straightened, puffing up like a feisty little gerbil. “Lucifer didn’t send you for me. You can’t do shit, so save the intimidation bullshit for the next demon you drag to Hell.”

“Well, this has gotten off to a great start,” Zinnia said.

I ignored her and strode up to the ballsy female, still scowling at me. She tried to step back, but I grabbed her arm, stopping her retreat while she squirmed, trying to pull away. The familiar scent was stronger now that I was closer to her. I dipped lower and scented her.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing, mutt?” she yelled and flashed a set of fangs. They didn’t look like vampire, not really, but I still couldn’t place the demon breed. “Let me go.”

There was something else there. The demon blood was strong. She was an immortal—I could smell it on her. So, yeah, definitely demon dominant.

“You’re not just demon.” I scented her again.

Her fight stopped instantly, and she blinked up at me. “How do you know that?”

“I can smell it.” I curled my lips into a smirk. “Can’t quite make out what else you are, but looking at you, I’d say a gremlin or maybe a troll.”

She shrieked and slammed her knee up, aiming for my nuts, but was too short to get anywhere near them.

Zinnia said something, but I didn’t hear her because all my focus was on the squirming demon in front of me.

“Meathead,” she muttered again while she tapped her pink-tipped fingers against her thigh, one after the other, over and over again.

I wasn’t quite ready to let her go for some reason. “You couldn’t handle my meathead, gremlin.” I flashed my fangs, enjoying myself.

“So, do you have any white snakeroot?” Zinny asked.

“You do realize that gremlins don’t actually exist? They’re a myth,” the demon said.