“Bourbon—my own special blend. Drink up.”
He downed the rest and swayed a little to the right. “Nice.”
“You know, I really appreciated you protecting me tonight.”
His brows lifted. “You did?”
“Oh, yeah. I’ve never felt so safe. It’s a pity you can’t be here all the time.”
He leaned in. “You want me here all the time, Tinker Bell? You got it.”
“That’s so nice of you. But I have to confess, I am a little scared of you,” I said, steering the conversation carefully.
“I’d never hurt you, Fern,” he said, slurring a little.
It was now or never. The size of him, he’d metabolize my sedative quickly and be back to his old window-licking self in mere minutes.
“Do you want to stay close to me, Relic?”
“Yeah, babe.” His eyes darkened. “I want that—really badly.”
“There’s a way you can. And you’d only have to do this tiny, teeny-weeny little thing. If you did it, you could come inside. You could come up to my place and stay as long as you’d like. Do you want that?”
The grin dropped, and he looked as serious as a heart attack. “Name it, and I’ll do it.”
“Will you make a deal with me, Relic?”
He nodded. “What kind of deal?”
“You offer me your soul and promise you’ll do what I say, you know, just so I’d feel safe, and then I’ll let you come in and be with me all the time.”
He smiled wide. “Deal.”
“You’ll do it?”
“Sure,” he said.
“I’ll need to cut you. The deal needs to be bound in blood. Is that okay?” My heart was banging in my chest.
I was going to have a hellhound at my beck and call, under my command. I could do anything, go anywhere. No one would ever hurt me again.
He lifted his hand. “Cut me, Tink.”
Pulling my knife from my back pocket, I made a slice in my palm. I’d read the ritual only once, but I’d taken a picture of it before I left the demon library. It was simple enough. Taking a breath to steady my nerves, I uttered the words to drop the ward. I expected him to surge forward, but Relic didn’t move; he stayed where he was.
His stare didn’t waver, was fixed on me as I made a slice in his palm. His skin was thick and calloused, forcing me to slice deeper. He didn’t even flinch.
He was still grinning, and it was so freaking infectious that I had to bite back my own. I felt guilty as hell, but also giddy with relief. I hadn’t felt truly safe in a very long time, and in a few minutes, I’d have my own hellhound protector. Grady wouldn’t dare come near me with Relic here. I opened my phone and double-checked the ritual, then pressed our palms together.
“Repeat after me.Fern Honeycutt, I offer you my soul.”
He licked his very nice lips. “Fern Honeycutt, I offer you my soul.”
“This deal made in blood is binding until death.”