Gods, he was utterly gorgeous, lying there. Still, nerves fluttered inside me. He was trying to look relaxed, but every muscle in his body was tight as hell, and his long, thick cock strained against his stomach.
“What if it doesn’t fit?” I said before I could stop myself.
“We were made for each other, remember? It’s gonna fit.”
“The Fates seem to love fucking with me. What if this is another one of their cruel games? What if we can never be together like that? Then what? I won’t be your mate,” I rasped, starting to spiral.
This had to be too good to be true, right? The Fates wouldn’t give me this. They wouldn’t.
Relic hooked me around the back of the neck, snapping me from my freak-out. “You will be my mate,” Relic growled. “Nothing will change that. And if we can’t fuck that way, then we don’t. We love each other, and we do all the other shit that feels fucking amazing.”
“You really mean that, don’t you?”
“Yeah, I fucking mean it. I know you’re scared. I know you’re used to people hurting you and throwing you away, but that will never be me.” A smile curled his gorgeous mouth. “But maybe instead of assuming the Fates are fucking with you, Tink, how about you try and fuck me first?”
I could definitely do that. I nodded and straddled his muscled body.
“That’s it. Now, start like last time, working that pussy against my cock until you’re nice and wet again—can you do that?” he said.
I couldn’t wait to do that. Planting my hands on his chest, I did what we had last time, trapping his thick cock against his stomach and grinding down so my pussy spread around his length. A shudder rolled through me when I started working my clit against him. It didn’t take long before I was soaking again, sliding up and back along his cock, while pleasure coiled low in my belly.
“You look fucking gorgeous up there.” His hips lifted a little off the bed.
Leaning forward, I kissed him and let my hunger for him take over. I kissed him like it was the end of my world, and it was—the end of the hell I’d lived and the start of a new life, where I belonged to someone, where I was loved and cared for, where I was safe. Where I had a future spread out before me that I’d never dreamed possible.
I couldn’t believe it, and yet I knew it was real, that this was real.
“I love you,” I choked out as I slid forward. Instead of sliding back, I let the head of his cock notch just inside me. “And I’m going to make you mine,” I said, the words coming from a primal place inside me that was every bit as possessive as his beast.
I pushed back, and he stretched me wider as he slid deeper.
“You are mine,” I said with a hiss.
“Yeah, I fucking am,” he said, holding my hair back so he could see my face as I took a little more of him. “That’s it, baby, nice and slow.”
My mouth fell open as I wriggled my hips and worked in another inch.
Maybe this was all some messed-up game the Fates were playing; maybe they wanted to hurt me again, but I wouldn’t let them win. They would not win, not this time.
I worked my hips, swiveling them and rocking on that big cock, working him in one hot inch at a time. When he stretched me wider, I ignored the pinch, so fucking determined.
Panting, I eased up and back down, taking more each time, until I could take no more. I was shaking and sweating and had bitten my lip so hard that it bled, but I’d done it.
“I won,” I gasped out. “I beat them,” I said as a hot tear streaked down my face.
Relic reached up and swiped it away. “Yeah, you fucking did, Fern.” He was panting as well, his stomach muscles impossibly tight, his chest and arms straining.
“I made you mine,” I hissed from a mix of pleasure and pain. I slowly swung my hips forward so he was almost all the way out, then pushed them back, stuffing myself full of him once more.
“Not letting you go,” he said, his hands gripping my hips. “Never letting you go.”
“I won’t let you,” I said brokenly as more tears slid down my cheeks. “If you leave, I’ll follow you.”
He chuckled, dark and gritty. “If I had a soul to give, baby, it would be yours. Neither one of us is going any-fucking-where without the other.”
I nodded and moved faster, and every time I took him deep inside me, shocks of pleasure jolted through my body. I was so wet now—there was no resistance—and, gods, I was close to coming again. I stared into his eyes as I moved on top of him, gasping and sobbing as I got closer and closer to the edge. His long, thick fingers gripped my hips tighter, and he hissed a breath through his teeth as he lifted his hips again, filling me more deeply.
Oh, fuck. I dug my nails into his chest and moaned low. “I’m … I’m going to—”