Page 103 of Bad Demon

“Mm-hmm,” I groaned as the feeling built inside me, but this time, my fangs tingled, and the need to bite was overwhelming. My fangs grazed his skin.

“Bite, Fern. You bite me if you need it.”

I did. I needed it—badly.

My pussy clutched at his fingers as I sank my fangs into one of his muscled biceps, and as his blood filled my mouth, I came all over his fingers. I took one final suck and dragged my tongue over the puncture marks I’d made, and panting, I tilted my head back.

He leaned in, and his tongue lapped into my mouth, making my head spin. The shower was turned off, and I was lifted out, quickly dried, and on his bed before the haze of satisfaction could even begin to lift. I blinked, and Relic was hovering over me, his golden gaze moving over my face.

I gripped the side of his throat before he could even think about denying me. “Now, can you make me yours?”

He licked his lips, leaning in, nuzzling the spot between my shoulder and neck, as a rumbly growl rolled from him. “I’m going to mark you right here.” Another needy growl, and then he lifted his head. “If you have any reservations, Fern, you need to tell me now. Once it’s done, there is no undoing it—understand?”

“I don’t have any reservations.”

He smiled, gentle, gorgeous. “Love that you feel that way, baby, but if you need me to stop at any time, you say so, and I’ll stop.”

I nodded. “I won’t want you to stop.”

“You remember what I told you? What I’m gonna do to you, Tink?”

“Yes.” I shivered.

How was I still so turned on? But I was. I was hot and achy and so fucking empty.

He brushed my damp hair back. “Are you scared?”

I shook my head and took his face in my hands. “I know I’m safe with you, Relic, no matter what. I know I’m always safe with you.”

He pressed kisses along my throat and my jaw before sucking and nipping at my lower lip. “I need you to remember that when I’m fucking you, sweetness. I’m gonna try to be as gentle as I can, but the beast is fucking itching to claim you. I might have rock-solid control most of the time, but not when it comes to you. I’m going to try like fuck to keep it locked down, but things could get a little rough.”

I shivered again, but not from fear. He watched as I swallowed convulsively and then licked my lips.

“You said I was made for you and you, for me.”

“Yes,” he said.

“Then, I’m thinking … I’m gonna love it any way you give it to me.”

He stilled for several beats, his chest pumping hard. “Fuck,” he finally gritted out.

The beast leaped forward in his eyes, and they flashed brightly before he bared his teeth, lifted me, and flipped me over.

“Hands and knees,” he ordered as he gripped my hips, lifting my ass in the air before I could do as he’d said.

Excitement thrummed through me, and I jumped, squirming when he pressed a kiss to my side, then across my lower back. His hands slid up, cupping my breasts, squeezing as he continued to kiss and rub up on me. He was marking me with his scent, letting the animal take the lead, and when he leaned over me, covering my body with his, I could hear—feel—the beast vibrating through his chest.

His cock nudged my rear, and my nerves shot higher. I wanted this. I wanted it more than anything. I wanted to belong to him and me to him. But for me, sex had never been about pleasure; it had been something used against me, something to get through, something I and the person I was with had never wanted. I knew it wouldn’t be like that with Relic, but muscle memory had me jerking forward.

Relic stilled, his mouth at the side of my throat. “Talk to me, Tink.”

“Don’t stop. Do not stop. I want this. You have no idea how much. Please, Relic, don’t stop.”

“Not gonna stop if you don’t want me to, baby, but maybe we do this another way to start with.” Then, he was gone from behind me, positioning himself beside me on the bed. “Climb on, sweetness. You start, and when you’re feeling ready, I’ll finish.”

He wasn’t put off, not treating me like I was broken, and instead, he’d come up with a way to make this good for us both. Trusting me. Always trusting me.

I could do that.