“Yes. Oh gods, yes!” She mewled while his hot fingers stroked every delicious contraction.
Deep inside, he froze, pushing his weight into her. She tilted her ass toward him, inviting him to take more. His member twitched and throbbed, expelling cum as her own orgasm melted away, bringing her back to earth.
After a few moments, he pulled out.
She turned around and gripped the bars, trying to catch her breath. Dash stood there, covered in a sheen of sweat on his golden skin. The expression on his face said it all. He was happy, full, and just as much in love as she was.
“Does your kind marry?” she asked. “Not that I’m greedy or anything like that, because I’m incredibly happy. I’m only wondering about your traditions.”
He opened the cage door, and she stepped out, their eyes locked.
He gently pushed her damp hair from her forehead. “We are more than married. We are mates.” He kissed her lips. “You did well tonight, by the way.”
He’d completely sidestepped the question, which worried her. Dash was always direct.
“Oh no. What’s wrong?” she asked.
“Can’t we enjoy being together? Here. Now. Me stripping and making tons of money for you and the sanctuary?”
It had been a huge relief not worrying about money. Even if he always came home to her for dessert, she still struggled with other women fawning over him, though it wasn’t nearly as bad now that Heebie wasn’t around, pumping pheromones in the air. Dash still made a killing each night with his perfect vanity-demon bod. Sold-out shows. Also, it was pretty impossible to feed a demon that strong on her own. He required a lot of admiration.
“Just tell me. What’s up with the marriage situation?” she asked.
He looked into her eyes, beaming with affection. “Before, when the portals were closed, it wouldn’t have been an issue. But now that they are? You would have to relinquish all ties to your dragonhood and never transform again. You would have to declare your fealty to the demon king. If you didn’t, and they found out we’re married, they’d come after me. And you.”
“I’m sorry, Jac, but I do not make the rules.”
She gave it some thought. “They’re stupid rules. And I’ll take you any way I can have you.” She never thought she’d see him again, so how could she feel any other way? “I love you, Dash.”
“I love you, too, Jac. More than you know.”
She loved hearing that. She loved knowing they were going to live long, long happy lives together, taking their time to learn about each other.
“Just out of curiosity,” she said, “who does make the rules?” So much to learn about his world!
“The demon king. And you never want to get on his radar. Just ask Damien Greystone.”
“Sounds like an interesting story,” she said.
“Another time.” He kissed her hard. “Because you and I have a fundraiser to get to.”
They did. And with Dash by her side, Jac knew this would be a record year for donations. Women could not resist adorning him with gifts and money. Luckily, there was only one woman he gavehisattention to.
Okay, not a woman. A dragon in boots.
Cimil smacked the gavel on the stone table of the large conference room in Sedona, Arizona. It was great to be back at their official headquarters, gearing up the godding machine again. With a little planning and hard work, things would be back to normal in no time.
No, not normal. Better than ever!Because this time,shewould be in control, not those nasty, mature, boring old deities who were more interested in snuggling with their mates, having babies, and counting snowflakes. They were mighty gods, meant to rule! To smite! To grant wishes and then take them away and laugh!The best…
It was the Cimil show now. Endless wars—so fun!—utter chaos, so much death, and all the clown orgies one could want.Heaven!She just had to keep the original gods busy until everything was set for her big kickoff.
An influx of demons should do the trick.Compliments of Damien’s rage demon, which she’d cloned and brought back, using a scoop of brains she’d saved after it died. The thing had busted open all the portal seals with its unrelenting rage. How Damien had managed to contain such a deadly, violent beast for two hundred years, she didn’t know.