As usual, she made about as much sense as a pair of lederhosen made of licorice—one of Cimil’s many strange costume requests back when he made clothes for her. Still, Damien needed to give her offer consideration before saying no, given how Sky was the impacted party.
“If I were to say yes, how do you expect me to change this dragon’s mind about shifting back to his natural form?” he asked.
Cimil shrugged. “If I knew the answer to that, I wouldn’t be wheeling and body-dealing with you, cowboy.”
Sohehad to figure it out.
With a sigh of resignation, Damien polished off his whiskey and set the glass on the glass table. “I’ll think about it, but Cimil, if I agree, I want your word you’ll turn yourself in.”
She nodded with a sly smile.
“I mean it. Swear on the lives of your untamed rascals.” Cimil had somewhere around nine children with her husband, Roberto. They were dangerous beasts in tiny packages. Unsurprisingly, Roberto had recently left Cimil and taken the kids because of her stunts.
Cimil raised herlefthand. “I swear on the lives of my sweet, mini terrorists that I will turn myself in as soon as our dragon gets busy with the dragonettes.”
Damien still wasn’t sure if he was going along with this, but he’d make that choice after he spoke to Sky.
“So where do I find this dragon of yours?” he asked, thinking it might be a good idea to have a quick chat with the big winged lizard. If Damien could understand the beast’s reluctance, perhaps he could find a solution.
“Great question,” Cimil said. “He was supposed to work the eight o’clock show, but he flaked. Or scaled? Whichever dragons do.”
And there it is. The Cimil surprise. “So you want me to find him, too.”
This was already turning into a bad idea, probably not worth risking the wrath of Votan. “And where does he work?”
“My new strip club, of course! Dragon man is part of the show. The ladies love him!”
The dragon was working as a male stripper? Things were beginning to make sense. The dragon was probably having too much fun to care about mating with a bunch of winged dinosaurs.
“Then I will begin my search there.”After I speak with Sky.If she did not want to come back to life, then Damien wouldn’t bother.
“Good. And bring your baby oil.”
“Sorry?” he said.
“Well, I need someone to fill in for the midnight show.”
“Cimil, I am not stripping.”
Cimil stuck out her pink lower lip. “Then no bodies for Sky.”
See!This was what he was talking about; nothing with Cimil was straightforward.
He got up and showed Cimil the door. “I’ll be in touch.”
“Here’s the address.” Cimil produced a pink card and tucked it into his jacket pocket. “Come, Minky. Our tailor has some manscaping to do in preparation for his sexy dance.”
“I am not…” He shook his head. Arguing with Cimil was a waste of time.
“See you at the club in a few.” She winked and disappeared as a brisk wind whipped through the room. No doubt, Minky making her exit.
Gods, I hate those two.
Now he had to talk to Sky and discuss Cimil’s offer. Hopefully, she and Pet would be along soon.