“Sweetheart, I lived with Heebie most of my existence. I know everything about dragons.” He lowered his head and kissed her again.
After a moment, he pulled away. “All right,” he said, “you’re going to cook me if I don’t train you. Let’s blow out these candles and go to your place.”
Yes, please!“How long will it take for me to get control?”
“A few months. Maybe a year.”
“What?” she snapped. “I’m not sure I can wait that long.”
He flashed a sly smile. “Well, you do have a penguin enclosure. It’s fairly cold in there, right?”
Yes, yes, she did. And it was cold as hell.
At ten p.m., Sky made her way to the Walmart parking lot like Cimil had instructed. She was ready to receive her new body, which hadn’t been quite ready yet last night.
“Needs another twelve hours, deary,” Cimil had said. “But you do your thing and meet me tomorrow night. I’ll bring my body RV.”
Sky didn’t really have a choice but to wait, so she’d spent the day looking after Amelia and Miguel, getting them settled into a new home nearby. They’d said they were all right, but Sky could tell the time in captivity had taken its toll. Mostly, on their waistlines due to the lack of exercise and the junk food supplied by the SBP staff.
“We’ll get in shape together!” Sky’d said to Amelia and then promised to be back soon in a new, fresh body. A body that came at the expense of Damien’s feelings, but what did he expect? She’d never asked for any of this and always told him the truth: her family was everything. Okay, fine. Her career and family were everything.
Love was great and all, so was the sex, but at the end of the day, Sky wasn’t going to sacrifice what she loved for a man no matter how incredibly good looking, sexy, or wealthy. Damien just didn’t get it.
I was born to be single! To live life to the fullest! To travel and pursue my dreams.
Sky waited in the back of the parking lot, unable to check the hour because ghosts didn’t wear watches. Still, she’d made sure to get here on time, and the goddess was nowhere to be found.
Twenty minutes went by, and Sky began to panic.If Cimil double-crosses me, I swear to God!
Suddenly, a large RV rumbled into the parking lot, coming her way.
“Finally,” Sky said as Cimil pulled up with the windows down. “You’re late.”
Cimil hopped out from behind the wheel. “Sorry about that, Sky baby! We had a little hiccup earlier, but I got here as soon as I could.”
“Yeah. Whatever. Is my body ready?”
“Right this way.” Cimil gestured for Sky to go inside. “Just lie down in the machine, and we’ll have you alive, kicking, smelling, eating, farting—”
“I get it.”
“Okay, buttercup. Just trying to highlight what you’ve won behind door number three.”
I’m so over her weird code-talk. Sky got into the machine at the back of the RV, and Cimil lowered the lid.
“Viva la revolution,” Cimil said right before locking her inside.
Huh?The machine began to whir and click. It felt warm and then warmer. After a few minutes, Sky had sensation in her fingertips. Her toes were toasty, too.
I can feel body parts!This was so exciting!
Not before long, fresh air whooshed through her nose, and Sky began breathing. “I’m alive!” Her voice echoed off the machine. Dumping Damien had totally been worth it.
The machine powered down, and Cimil opened the enclosure.
“All righty, hope you enjoyed the ride! Don’t forget your hat, sunglasses, and any personal belongings. It’s been a pleasure having you here at Snotsberry Farms on the Gargoyletron. Have a great day.”