MF’s eyes went wide. “Permanently?”
He nodded.
“But why? I thought she was happy here with us?”
“She blames herself for her family’s current predicament, and she isn’t completely wrong.” Even if Cimil was behind everything, Sky never should’ve gone undercover working for Governor Newberry.
“Wow. I’m kinda hurt. Sky is like our mom, yanno? She’s constantly spying on us.”
“Yes, so motherly,” he said dryly.
“Well, not motherly for you, but then again, you’re kind of like our dad. I mean, nothing like my real dad—rest in peace—because you’re not nearly as affectionate, kind, thoughtful, uplifting—”
“I get the point,” he said.
“I was going to end with saying that you were there for us all when no one else was. I was an orphan when we met. So was Maxton in a way, being the last vampire. Bonbon was all alone until you made that deal with Cimil to find him a mate. Pet would be lost without you and Sky.” MF drew a breath. “We’re a family now, and it doesn’t work if one of us leaves.”
That was uncommonly sentimental for a vampire. “Well, Sky does not feel the same, apparently,” he said, “and there is nothing I can do other than to keep my promise to look after her sister and nephew.”
“But don’t you think it’s strange how she wants to move on all of a sudden?”
“It is highly suspicious.” Something definitely happened to change her mind. “But at the end of the day, it is still her existence, and leaving us behind is her choice.”
“Pfft!” MF launched vampire spittle in his face. “Don’t be so respectful of others’ feelings. For fuck’s sake, you’re the immortal tailor. A coldhearted, legendary assassin, fixer, tracker—”
“My demon is gone, MF. The killing part of my life is over, but I will give you coldhearted.”
She shook her head. “Says the man who is currently planning a dangerous rescue he fought tooth and nail against a couple of days ago.”
“True. But my plan takes the mole into account.”
MF jerked her head toward the corner. “Okay. I’m in. So is Parrot.”
“Maxton’s hellhound is here again?”
“Eh, he’s harmless. Mostly.”
“No, he ismostlydangerous. But good. We can use him tonight. Where is Maxton?”
“Where do you think?” She hit the register’s button and began counting out the money to shut down for the day.
“The mall? Again?” That vampire loved buying new suits. He had twice as many as Damien.
“Don’t worry,” MF said. “I can fill him in.”
“Eh, boss. What are we doing tonight?” Bonbon waddled up, looking fatter than ever.
“Stop dining on tourists. And you are not coming with us.”
“Never,” Bonbon grumbled. “And yes, we are.”
“You and Gorgonzolina will only get in the way,” Damien said.
“No way. I need to get out and feed.” Gorgonzolina trotted up, her tan fur ruffled in the back, which meant the two love-sucking demons had just been fornicating in the shop window again.
And this is why I prefer to work alone.While their sexual appetite attracted a crowd, it wasn’t the suit-buying type.
That gave Damien an idea. “Actually, I do have a use for you. Pet can help, too. Has anyone seen her? Or Sky?”