Page 47 of Dragon in Boots

Completely unfazed, Dash strutted down the catwalk in his boots, jeans, and tool belt, making suggestive moves. He didn’t look afraid or worried at all.

Strange, given how a deranged goddess almost ended his life seconds ago. In fact, he was positively glowing.

Jac watched in awe as he slowly removed his belt. Then came the jeans.

The women cried out, their eyes wide. Jac couldn’t believe it. They were all getting nude, too.

Is this some satanic cult?

Dash stopped at the end of the runway and then locked eyes with her. If she didn’t know any better, she’d say there was a hint of anguish in his blue eyes.

Completely naked now, the women began squatting and groaning.

“Now there’s something you do not see every day.” Damien laughed.

“Oh. I’ve read about this!” That tiny bird thing was back, jumping up and down on the café table in front of them.

Jac felt her stomach bear down. “Oh god!”

Damien’s eyes traveled toward her crotch. “Jac? What’s inside your jeans?”

She looked down, too, spotting a large lump.Oh shit.She pushed her hand inside her jeans and felt something round, smooth, and warm between her legs.

What. The hell!She pulled it out and held it in front of her face. It was a blue egg.

“Oh god!” She threw it in terror, wanting to get the thing away from her.

That Pet creature went after it and caught the egg in midair with a big hug.

“Wow. So you’re a dragon.” Damien bobbed his head. “Unexpected.”

“What? No, I’m not.” Jac got to her feet, stumbling back.

“That’s a dragon egg.” He pointed at the thing in Pet’s tiny arms. She was licking it.

Jac looked around the room. The other women were holding eggs in the air. Blue, purple, red, and green.

I’m going to be sick! What is this?

Her eyes gravitated back to Dash, who pulled off his thong with an angry look. The women held up their eggs and yelled with delight at his naked form. Jac was too terrified to appreciate the enormous penis hanging between Dash’s legs, but the other women were elated.

“Yes! Come out and play, dragon!”

“Give us your juice!” one yelled.

Dash snapped his fingers, and Heebie entered stage right, wearing earmuffs. He stopped in front of Dash and looked directly at Pet, who still held Jac’s egg.

Ohmygod. Ohmygod. What’s going on?

Heebie threw off his muffs, took a huge breath, and then closed his mouth and pushed, almost like he was inflating himself.

Right before Jac’s eyes, Heebie’s fur fell off like a suit, and a small winged lizard appeared.

Jac gasped. Heebie was the dragon?

The women stilled, just as shocked as she was that the little furball wasn’t what he seemed.

The tiny beast fluttered toward Pet, who giggled and offered him the egg.