Cimil added, “Prepare a few pitchers of margaritas for him, wouldja, Jac? Hold the rita. And the marg.”
“You want me to make him pitchers of tequila.” What sort of god was this?
“Bingo!” Cimil skipped away, her fringe dancing wildly with her movements.
“Terrifying.” Jac looked away and knocked on Dash’s door.
“Yeah?” his deep voice called out.
“Can I come in? It’s Jac.”
“At your own peril,” Dash replied.
Slowly, she opened the door and peeked in. Dash was bent over in front of his vanity, wearing nothing but tiny black string bikini bottoms, rubbing sparkling golden lotion on his legs. She could see his balls hanging out.
“Oh boy.” She turned away and closed her eyes.
“There’s nothing here you won’t see later. Oh, and I bought these for Heebie. I didn’t want you to worry.”
She dared to reopen her eyes and look. Dash held up a tiny pair of red earmuffs.
“Awww. Those are adorable.” Jac’s heart warmed, and she beamed at him.Guess an old dragon can learn new tricks.
“What?” Dash said.
“Nothing.” She continued smiling at him.
“That’s not a nothing smile.”
She was about to say how much she liked this side of him, but it felt too squishy. Jac was used to being strong and independent, not all sentimental, unless dealing with her animals.Then squish away.
“Hey, so I wanted to thank you for the very generous gift,” she said. “You have no idea what that money means to me and the animals.”
Dash shrugged his broad, naked shoulders, continuing to rub lotion on his chest. “Heebie likes you. And, maybe, you’re growing on me a little, too.”
She blushed.
“But that’s not why I gave you the money,” Dash added.
“No?” she said.
“After your visit, I thought about what you said—about having a place to go if there’s ever an emergency.”
“The offer stands.”
“The thing is, I-I have some personal business I need to take care of, and I won’t be able to bring Heebie. I know he’ll be happy with you.”
“How long will you be away?” she asked.
He hesitated, as if struggling to find the right words. “A very long time.”
That sounded ominous. “Are you okay?”
“For someone my age, I’m great. I don’t want you to worry—”
“How old are you?”
“You really want to know?” he asked.