Jac went inside and headed backstage to find Dash. Along the way, she passed by several of the other dancers oiling each other up.
“Hi, guys,” she said. “Good luck tonight.”
“Who needs luck?” said Phillipe, the chef guy. “I’ve got these.” He flexed his pecs.
The beaver guy wiggled his assless pants and tail. “Or this.”
Jac smiled stiffly.Just what I need to see.
She was about to knock on Dash’s dressing room door when someone called her name. Jac turned to find Peepers—or Cimil—in a shiny pink jumpsuit with fringe.
“I knew you’d be back,” Cimil said.
“Yes, but it’ll be my last night.”
“Such a shame, but that’s the way the egg bounces. You like eggs, don’t you, Jac?”
Jac frowned. “I guess.”
“Well, after tonight, you’ll be in eggstacy.”
Cimil wiggled her brows. “Oh, by the way, Dash asked me to make sure my unicorn—I meanstage manager, behaves. However, since I believe that every being is entitled to have their fun, I’ve drawn the line at stabbing you.”
Jac’s mouth dropped open.
“Ha! Kidding!” Cimil slapped her knee. “She might still stab you, but I promise it won’t be anywhere strategic.”
It was a mistake coming back here.She needed to skedaddle.
“Ha! Kidding again,” Cimil spouted.
“Are you about to say that Iwillbe stabbed somewhere strategic?”
Cimil’s smile melted away. “You stole my joke. You’re no fun.”
And I can’t believe you’re a goddess.
Cimil went on, “Actually, Mink is off running errands for me at the ice rink. I have some special guests coming and need to prepare.”
Jac didn’t know what to say to that. Were the guests werepenguins? At this point, nothing would surprise her.
“I just came to wish Dash good luck.” She pointed to his door. “Then I’ll go get the bar set up.”
“You do that, my little redhead of spit and fire. Destiny awaits you!”
Jac chuckled uncomfortably. Now that she knew what this woman was, the strange words coming from her mouth were all the more unsettling. Jac always considered Greek mythology to be senseless, but what if it had all been true? Murder, jealousy, chariots and famines.
Let’s not forget all the incest. Yuck.
Cimil suddenly froze and tilted one ear in the air. “Oh, my brother’s here!” Cimil clapped.
“Brother? You mean…”
Cimil winked. “Yes, dear. Another one.”
Another god was here.Help.