Page 55 of An Acquired Taste

“No,he’sthe one that needs to explain! What is wrong with you, man? Talk about emotionally constipated,” Maisy says. “You’ve got a real, live woman who clearlyadoresyou, and—” She pauses, finger hovering in the air, and then recoils in sudden fear. “Wait, oh my god, you’re… you…” She leans closer to me and clutches my arm. “All of that stuff about Etta…”

I suck in a breath.No, no, no. I open my mouth to apologize, to plead, to explain myself, but before I can do any of that, Sebastian abruptly pushes his chair out and climbs to his feet. His expression is stricken.

Maisy finally seems to realize that she may have overstepped. “I—sorry,” she says, looking between me and Sebastian and shrinking down in her chair. “I’m sure it wasn’t how it seemed. I know you didn’t, like,killyour last valentine, or…”

I shut my eyes.

“Yes,” Sebastian says after a moment. “I did.”

Cold shock douses me. My eyes fly open. “Sebastian—”

Again, I forget how fast a vampire can be. By the time I get to my feet and reach for him, he’s already out the door in a blur of motion, leaving me grasping at nothing but air. I gape after him, and then back at Maisy, still staring at the table with her mouth half-open. After a moment, I, too, rush out the door in a panic.

Chapter Twenty-Nine

At first I’m chasing Sebastian, but of course, that’s in vain. He’s gone before I’m even out the door. After that, I’m just running.

I don’t even know where I’m going. Justaway. Away from Sebastian, from Maisy, from all of it. I run until there’s a stitch in my side. I sink down to a crouch with my head in my hands. No matter how far I go, I know I’ll never escape the memory of that conversation. I already know it’s a situation that will replay in my mind for years.The diner encounter that ruined my most important relationships and then my entire life.

I want to disappear. I can’t stop thinking about the betrayed look on Maisy’s face, and then on Sebastian’s. Remembering everything I wrote in that blog. I’m certain he’s going to read it now, and the thought makes me sick to my stomach. I’d delete it, but I know it’s already too late for that; screenshots exist all over the internet.

And… Etta. Sebastian admitted that he killed her.

I can’t see a way back from this. Even though I can’t face her right now, my sister will probably forgive me for lying eventually because she’s, well, my sister. And I’ll forgive her for possibly ruining my job for the same reason.

But Sebastian… I doubt he will ever get over the fact that I blasted him online like that. Or that I’ll ever overcome the factthat he killed his previous valentine. If you asked me yesterday, I’d say I wasn’t invested in my relationship with him. There have already been so many ups and downs, and he’s constantly keeping me at arm’s length, so how can this work?

But today… today he came looking for me. He finally broke down those barriers and tried to reach out… only to find betrayal and lies. When I think of being ripped away from him, ithurts.

And now I’m here, utterly alone, in LA. I lean back against a graffiti-strewn building, cars blaring past, and try to think. I have enough money in my account right now that I could easily grab a cab to a hotel room, or wherever I want. I’m not as trapped as I used to be, but it feels like it.

I can’t stand to be alone right now, while I’m still reeling from all of this. But who can I reach out to? I’m not ready to face Sebastian. Maisy hates me. Benjamin… I once thought I could trust him, but I’ve barely spoken to him in months now, and after he lied to me about Alexander…


I think about cold lips pressing to the back of my hand.Call me if you’re ever in LA.Contacting him feels like another betrayal to Sebastian, but… I need someone. Someone who hasn’t lied to me, who I haven’t lied to. That list is shockingly short right now. I take a deep breath, wipe my eyes, and pull my phone out of my purse.

* * *

Alexander arrives faster than I would’ve thought possible in LA. traffic. He pulls up to the curb in a flashy black sports car. I’m sure I look like a mess as I get into the passenger seat, mascara streaked down my face and my nose still stuffed up, but hedoesn’t say anything about it, other than, “I’m glad you called.” He doesn’t ask me anything either, other than, “Are you hurt?”

When I shake my head, he drives. Soon, we arrive at a gated apartment building, and he leads me through the fanciest lobby I’ve ever seen, up an elevator, and to an utterly gorgeous high-rise. But as I look at the all-white, modern design and the stunning windows with a view of the city around us, all I can think is that it feels nothing like home.

A fresh lump rises in my throat as I realize that’s how I’ve come to think of the manor.Home. Sebastian’s estate may be quiet and isolated and a little bit spooky sometimes, but to tell the truth, I love even its eeriness.

Or…loved. I doubt I’ll ever see the place again.

I get choked up all over again at that, and Alexander leads me to one of his stark white leather couches. Soon, I have a cup of tea in my hands and a blanket over my shoulders, and he sits on the couch beside me and waits patiently for me to speak.

“Thank you for picking me up,” I say, trying to wipe snot off my face before he notices.

“Of course,” he says. “I’ll always come when you call.” He studies me with his pale eyes. “Though it hurts to see you like this. Is there anything I can do? Do you want to talk about it?”

I hesitate. Part of me wants to vent, but it feels inappropriate, talking about Sebastian to another man. Anothervampire. A Solomon vampire, nonetheless. For a moment, fresh uncertainty churns my stomach… but I’m already here, and Alexander is being kind.

Still, I won’t stoop to sharing private details about Sebastian. I shake my head. “Not right now. But being here is helpful. Really, I appreciate it.”

He nods. “I’ll give you some time alone, then. Please make yourself comfortable. The kitchen is stocked for guests, andyou’re welcome to the bathroom down the hall. I’ll be in my office.”