Page 28 of An Acquired Taste

“I’ve realized, it’s been months, and I still have yet to explore the grounds,” I say. “But I’m afraid I’m intimidated at the thought of going out alone.” I sip my wine and set it back down, trying to conceal the fact that my hand is shaking. There’s no reason for Sebastian to know how nervous this makes me. I want to come across as cool, composed, confident. Sexy.

“I’m sure Tobias would be happy to give you a tour,” Sebastian says, his eyes slipping away from mine.

But I will not be deterred so easily. “Oh, I wouldn’t dream of adding more work to his duties,” I say, widening my eyes as if the thought has just occurred to me. “He must be so busy already, tending to this place—” I drop my voice. “And at his age, nonetheless!”

Tobias side-eyes me but says nothing. Perhaps he’s fonder of me than he lets on, or perhaps he just pities me.

“Trent, then,” Sebastian says, but it’s half-hearted; he’s clearly realized the trap I’ve sprung.

“But then who will help poor Tobias with his duties?” I ask, frowning. Trent refuses to look our way, pretending to be deeply involved in a conversation with Ellen.

Sebastian regards me silently. It’s so hard to read his icy features. His icy,handsomefeatures. It’s hard to be this close to him and not react to it; sometimes I almost forget how shockingly good-looking he is, with those high cheekbones and long, dark lashes. Those eyes that are nearly black when they meet mine.

“I suppose I could give you a brief tour, then,” he says, finally giving in before it becomesglaringlyobvious he’s making excuses.

I smile at him. “Well, how nice of you to offer. That would be lovely.”

* * *

The next evening, I wait in the front entrance, as we planned before parting ways last night. I’m surprised at my nervousness. I was the one who made this happen—insisted on it, in fact—but now I’m doubting myself. I told myself that I was only pushing Sebastian because he was too stiff and withdrawn to do it himself… but what if that isn’t the case? What if this is going to be awkward and I’ll regret ever pushing for more time with him?

But I can’t keep chasing these thoughts around and around my head during all of these long, lonely hours. I’ll use this rare private time with Sebastian to assess the situation, and then do whatever is necessary afterward.

Still, I hope that this encounter will prove the opposite of what my self-consciousness is telling me. I hope he is merely private by nature, and this will get him to open up to me. I want to believe that his kindness is real, not manufactured. And that someone like him could feel something other than pity for someone like me. It will prove that I’m worth more than being used and thrown away like Declan did. And,God, what an upgrade it would be to go from Declan to a handsome, powerful vampire lord… even if it’s a temporary, contracted arrangement.

I peer at my reflection in a nearby wall mirror, biting my lip and patting my hair. It’s a misty day, and my curls are already starting to frizz from the humidity, but there’s little I could do about that other than tucking them under a slouchy knit hat that only makes the ends puff out more.

My whole outfit, which I agonized over endlessly, now feels haphazardly thrown together. I’ve gotten so used to wearing slinky dresses around the house that I feel like an over-stuffed dumpling with this long trench coat, the layers beneath hiding every curve from view. And my only shoes are heels or my old yellow sneakers, so sneakers it is.

Ofcoursethe one time I get a private moment with Sebastian, I have to cover practically every inch of skin. But Ellen did tell me to dress warmly.

It’s too late to change now, anyway. Especially since I hear footsteps approaching from the hall. As the door opens, I whirl away from the mirror, unwilling to be caught staring at myself, and try to stand casually with my hands in my pockets.

My heart stutters as Sebastian enters the room. God, I thought I would be more impervious to him after he began gracing dinner with his presence—but this feels like a different ball game.

Especially right now, when he looks dashing in an all-black winter ensemble. A black, wool peacoat emphasizes his broad shoulders, and with a black sweater and black slacks beneath, he looks broody and imposing and ridiculously attractive. He even has a goddamn scarf, which should be hard to pull off but somehow suits him. With his dark hair pushed back and his dark eyes on me, he looks every inch the vampire lord of my fantasies.

Shit. I’m blushing. And my heart is galloping a mile a minute, surely broadcasting my feelings loud and clear. For a moment we just stare at each other, and I notice his eyes wandering over me in the same way mine did. But his face is unreadable, showing neither approval nor disapproval. His eyes stop on my sneakers and hover there.

I resist the urge to squirm.

“I know they don’t exactly match my new wardrobe, but… they’re comfy. And my favorite color. So.”

He blinks, looks up at me. “I see.”

I swallow. Try to think of something else to say. But before I can manage it, Barnabas comes barreling into the parlor, his entire spotted body wiggling with excitement.

It’s a welcome break from the tension. I grin, crouching to take his soft, furry face in my hands, and plant a kiss on his nose. “Oh, hello, Barny! Will you be coming on our tour today?”

“Yes, he will be joining us, if that’s alright,” Sebastian says, watching us. There’s something soft in his eyes that makes my ovaries do an excited flip.Please, calm down, hormones,I chastise myself.

“How could I possibly resist the company of such a handsome gentleman?” I coo, scratching behind the dalmatian’s ears as he pants, tail thumping against a side table.

Sebastian turns and walks toward the front door without another word, Barnabas trotting happily after him. At the door, we pause for Sebastian to clip the dog’s leash onto his collar, and then we head out into the darkness of the grounds.

It feels strange taking a walk at night. I never would’ve felt safe doing this in the city—or anywhere, really, on my own. Such is the peril of being a woman, and that’s why I’ve yet to wander the grounds. But with Sebastian and Barnabas as my bodyguards, I have nothing to fear, and it feels like a whole new world has opened up to me. A misty, moonlit wonderland.

With the moon nearly full, no other lighting proves necessary. We stroll along in the quiet darkness, occupied only by the sounds of our footsteps and my breath, and Barny’s happy snuffles as he moves along with his nose to the ground. Sebastian sets a quick pace that leaves little room for conversation, but I don’t mind. All of my plans for this walk, my carefully constructed conversation topics and memorized flirtations, fall away as I get my first real sense of the estate’s grounds.