Page 63 of Rowdy Hearts

But did they really?

Most of my work was done over the phone or by video call now. Sure, I took in-person meetings when I had to, but I spent at least two days a week working from home because I didn’t want to make the trek across town to our office. My partners and I had even considered shutting down our office or getting one in a shared workspace. Jen and Leon had pushed for it, while I’d been the hold out. We’d agreed to talk about it again at the end of this year after we had some hard data to justify getting rid of the space.

So, why couldn’t we stay a little longer?

So now you’re letting one night of sex get the better of you?

Rational Girl was back. Bad Girl must still be sleeping.

Shit. I needed a shower.

“Krista, honey, I’m getting in the shower.”

I made sure I heard her say, “Okay, Mommy,” before I forced myself out of bed and into the bathroom. Krista and I had a date with Rowdy this morning and I wanted to be presentable. But when I saw the tub, I knew I couldn’t pass it up. It was huge, could probably fit at least two people, and had one of those over-the-tub trays where I could put my phone so I could read through my email and socials while I soaked.

I’d skimmed my emails a few times last night at the game, just to be sure I didn’t miss anything important, but my inbox was about to become unmanageable. I filled the tub and dumped in bubble bath I found on the counter. I climbed in before it was full and let out a sigh as the hot water immediately started working on my tight muscles.

I lay there for several long minutes, eyes closed, body starting to loosen, before I even touched my phone. Then I took a deep breath and opened my messages. And nearly shut the app, because, holy shit, I didn’t want to deal with this now.

But I was an adult, damn it, and I had to act like one.

I started with the messages from my partners.


OMG what happened Thursday night

You disappeared

U ok

What’d your mom do this time


Are you ok? Heard you never made it to your sister’s show.

Hey, you ok? Call please. We need proof of life.

I hadseveral messages from client’s parents, questions I definitely needed to answer before end of day. Two messages from casting directors looking for talent. Those could wait until Monday. A message from a director asking specifically to see one of my client’s reels. I needed to get that out this afternoon. Luckily, that text had come in late last night.

Mrs. Santiago, our neighbor, was the only person I’d contacted last night because I knew she’d be looking for Krista for their weekly Saturday brunch

That just left my sister and mom.

Just rip off the bandage.

I clicked on my sister’s messages first and was surprised when I didn’t have to scroll back that far to get to Thursday night’s messages. They started out how I’d expected, with a lot of all caps and some serious “woe is me, you ruined my big night” energy. But the last couple were unexpected.


Hey, are you okay

I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to go off on you. you know how mom gets when things don’t go to plan.

Please get in touch. mom’s freaking out and I’m worried about you.

Well,that was different. My sister had never been worried about me. She was younger by five years and had always been self-involved. Mom had kept her busy with auditions and classes and every part she could book. She’d been a teenager when Krista had been born, and I’d been so wrapped up withhaving a baby at twenty-one that my relationship with my sister had become secondary. So maybe I was mostly to blame there.