“Family can be a blessing and a curse.”
“Your family seems wonderful.”
I heard something in her voice that almost sounded like longing, which would make sense if what she’d said about her mom was true. And I had no cause to doubt anything she said. Just because she didn’t want to talk to me didn’t mean she was lying. It just seemed like she had secrets. Then again, maybe that was just my over-active imagination.
“They are. They’re also annoying, frustrating, nosy, loyal and the only people who love me unconditionally.”
“You make it sound like you’re unlovable. That’s not the vibe I got last night.”
I flashed her a quick grin and saw her gaze drop to my mouth for a hot second. Maybe I hadn’t lost my touch, after all.
“I guess they think I’m a decent guy.”
“I got the sense that the women I met last night think you’re more than just decent.”
Was that a little hint of jealousy I heard?
No, you’re just an idiot.
“I guess if you stick around for a few days, you can decide for yourself.”
As I suspected,Donny wouldn’t be able to get the rim until Monday, which meant Tressy and Krista would be staying a few days longer.
Tressy had nodded and thanked Donny as she handed her keys over like she was giving up a beloved pet. Then she climbed into my truck and slumped into the passenger seat.
“Sorry about the tire.” Though I wasn’t really. Actually, I was pretty damn elated.
She sighed, shaking her head. “Not your fault I didn’t know you shouldn’t drive on a flat for as long as I did. I just didn’t want us to be stranded on the side of the road. I had to get Krista somewhere safe.”
“And you did. Take a few days off and enjoy yourself.”
She fell quiet again, and I had to bite my tongue to stop while I was ahead.
I had three days to get her to trust me. To show her how to have a good time. To show her how much fun we could have. Fun that involved kissing. And yeah, more than kissing. We would have amazing sex. I could just tell. We’d click together like Lego bricks. Close and tight and… Yeah. Better stop that train of thought now or I’d head into the arena with a hard on.
Which was a definite possibility because I’d just pulled into the driveway to the parking lot. The players’ area was filled with trucks and SUVs. It looked like almost everyone had beaten me here. Shit, I hoped like hell I wasn’t the very last or I’d have to do the toilet run, and there was no way in hell I wanted to do that with Tressy here.
I’d just put the truck in park when I saw Bonesaw come flying up the street.
With a grin, I looked at Tressy. “Gotta move it. Can’t be the last one.”
I hopped out of the car and hustled around to open the door for her. Bonesaw laid on the gas and tore into the parking lot when he saw me get out of my truck. Apparently, Bonesaw didn’t want to do the toilet run either.
Reaching in, I grabbed Tressy around the waist and lifted her out of the car. Couldn’t wait for her now. I didn’t even have time to enjoy the feel of her in my hands because we had no time left. Grabbing her hand, I tugged her toward the players’ entrance, and she followed me with a startled laugh.
“What’s going on?”
“If you’re the last guy to get here on the first day of the season,you have to do the toilet run. I’ve never had to, and I ain’t starting today.”
She had to run to keep up with me as I hustled toward the door.
“Am I going to regret asking what the toilet run is?” She didn’t sound out of breath.
Behind me, Bones cursed as he got out of his truck, just as I opened the door and waved her through ahead of me.
Bobby “The Bonesaw” Brassard was six-feet-one of solid bulky muscle from head to toe. The guy was a tank in human form. But surprisingly fast on his feet. I just managed to shut the door before Bones made it to the entrance.