Page 71 of Rowdy Hearts

“I know that. But… she’s my mom.”

“And family comes first.” Rain’s smile sharpened. “Trust me, I get it. The Lawrences are nothing if not family first. But sometimes you gotta do what you need to do for yourself.”

“And if that means hurting those you love?”

Rain shrugged. “It sucks, but sometimes you can’t help it. If they love you, they’ll forgive you.”

I thought back to those texts from my sister and the ones from my mom. “Or they’ll guilt you into thinking it’s all your fault.”

Rain’s nose crinkled and her expression turned sympathetic. “Ugh. That sounds…not fun. Is that why you don’t want to go back? I mean, St. David is a good place to hide out. But most everything catches up with you.”

“Sounds like you have some experience with that.”

Rain’s lips twisted, and I knew my observation was right.

“Maybe a little.”

“So why do you stay?”

“Maybe I have nowhere else to go.” She shrugged. “Maybe I just like it here.”

“Wherewouldyou go?”

“I don’t know.” Rain just smiled. “I haven’t given it much thought.”


They both turned to see Caity leaning against the open door to the bathroom, arms crossed over her chest. The dance team captain looked young enough to have just graduated from high school, but she had to be at least twenty-one because she’d been drinking last night. Toned, tight and perfectly put together, Caity made me feel like a grandma in my black cargo pants and slouchy green shirt.

Red hair in ringlet curls and green eyes flashing, she stared at Rain with serious attitude.

Rain arched her brows and stared back. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Caity rolled her eyes. “And again, I say bullshit.”

She sang that last word, and when I turned back to Rain, I saw her eyes narrow down to slits. Then she gave Caity the finger and turned back to me. “You ready to get back to the party? I’m sure Rowdy’s missing you by now.”

Nodding, I walked back to the dining room with Rain, who looked tense, and Caity, who looked way too satisfied with herself.

And as soon as I stepped out of the hallway, I caught sight of Rowdy, holding Krista’s hand like it was the most natural thing in the world. My daughter looked up at him like he was this amazing shining toy she’d just discovered. I couldn’t remember my daughter ever looking at anyone like that. Not my mom, not my sister. Not anyone in our small group of friends at home.

“He gets that look a lot.” Rain had stopped next to me, and I glanced at her, just to make sure we were on the same page. Rainwore an exasperated grin now as she shook her head. But the love she had for her brother emanated from her like a physical force.

Everyone loved Rowdy. So, of course, it wasn’t a shock that I’d fall for the guy.

The hard part would be leaving him.



Krista heldmy hand like she’d been doing it since birth, and she hadn’t left my side since Tressy had taken off for the bathroom. It seemed like she’d been gone for a while, but she’d probably got stuck talking to someone. I wasn’t worried. She’d be back.

“I don’t know about you, man, but I might be getting too old for this shit.”

Brian Fiskers was the only Stag team member here today, but only because he’d once been a Devil. And once a Devil, always a Devil.

I continued to scan the crowd, watching for any situation I might have to step in to diffuse. Most of the guys knew the drill for these outings. Have fun but don’t start any shit. We were in public, for fuck’s sake. Save the drama for the ice.