“Yeah, they’re bloodthirsty, but they pay the bills.”
I turned then and caught Tressy around the waist, pulling her close and kissing her hard, even though my jaw ached. But it wasall worth it when she wrapped her arms around my waist and pressed her body against mine.
“Krista asleep?” I asked when Tressy rested her head on my chest.
“Yep. Practically the second her head hit the pillow. She’s becoming quite the little heathen here in St. David.”
“Good. She’ll fit right in.”
Tressy paused for a second, and I knew she was working herself up to say something. She and Krista had fully moved in about a month ago, November second to be exact. My family had gone a little crazy with the holiday decorations for her, but every time I saw her smile when she looked at the advent calendar my dad had made for me three decades ago or wrapped herself in the red and green quilt my mom made for her, it was all worth it.
I probably should worry that Tressy was going to tell me she was leaving, that it wasn’t working out here for her, but I knew that wasn’t true. We were happy. Hell, I was fucking ecstatic most of the damn time.
“Her mother was like that, before she died.”
It took me a second to work out what she was talking about and, when I did, it didn’t really surprise me.
“Denee Henning?”
“Yeah.” Tressy’s voice went soft, but I could hear the love and the loss so clearly. “Denee was a force of nature. But when she got pregnant, she knew there were going to be complications. She already had high blood pressure and she developed preeclampsia, but she was determined to carry to term. I think…she knew she wasn’t going to survive.”
“No dad in the picture?”
“When she told him, he wanted her to have an abortion. He’s married. Has a few kids of his own. I didn’t know she was seeing him, and it hurt that she never shared that part of her life with me. Denee had him sign his rights away legally when it was clear he didn’t want to be a part of her life. I was in college when shecalled and asked me to come to India, where she’d spent most of her pregnancy. Of course, I went. She was family and I would’ve done anything for her. When she died the day after Krista was born, I legally became Krista’s mom.
“That’s why I couldn’t let that sleazebag Feeney anywhere near Krista. I can’t even let him say her name. If people found out about Krista and Denee’s relationship, it would dig up all kinds of shit that no one needs to know. Someday, I’ll tell Krista about Denee, but only when I think she’s ready to hear it. Not when someone else forces my hand.”
This woman constantly amazed me with her huge heart and her steel spine.
I pulled back and tilted her chin up, to be sure she saw my face when I said, “I’ll be by your side to make sure that never happens. And if they don’t take the hint after I punch the crap out of them, we’ll sic your mom on them. She scares the shit out of me sometimes.”
Her laughter made my bones turn to jelly. “I can’t say she’s all bark and no bite, but I won’t let her take a bite out of you. Besides, she seems to like you. And thank you.”
“For what?”
“For being you. For being here for me. And for her.”
Krista would always have a home with me. Didn’t matter who had brought her into the world, she was Tressy’s daughter. And if Krista wanted me, she’d be mine, too.
“I love that little girl. I will never do anything to hurt her. And I love you, Tressy. With all my heart.”
Tressy’s smile widened and softened. “Good, because I love you too. So damn much. I don’t plan on going anywhere. Except to bed with you.”
I swept her off her feet and took her exactly where she wanted to go.
Brian (AKA Mr. Whiskers) Fiskers
“I’m not havingthis conversation with you. I told you I don’t want to see you again, and I mean it.”
“Come on, Rain. I just want to talk. It’s not like I’m asking you to go on a date or anything. Of course, you didn’t say no the first time.”
“Well, I’m not going anywhere with you ever again. And I’m leaving now. Go back to the locker room, Zelinsky. I’m done.”
“Hey, don’t be like that. I said I was sorry. Do you want me to grovel?”
“Honestly, I don’t want anything from you. I just want you to leave me the hell alone.”