“You’ll be fine with Raffi and the Colonel. Honest.”
It wasn’t like I had that many options. I’d given my car keys to a man I didn’t know. The cold must have addled my brain. And now I was about to leave with a woman I’d just met.
I forced a smile. “Thank you so much. I really appreciate the offer.”
Miss Raffi—where the hell did these people think they lived? Stars Hollow?—nodded, her smile softening the faintest bit. As if she knew exactly what I was thinking. Maybe she did. People in small towns were like that. They were gossips and busybodies, and they knew everything about everyone. At least, they had in every show and movie I’d ever been in. But that had been a long time ago. Things changed.
I’d changed. I was no longer a gullible child whose mother ruled her life.
No, you’re a mother who ran when shit got too much to handle.
My attention snapped back to Miss Raffi, and I realized she must have said something.
“Yes, sorry. I…” Drifted off? Ignored her? Went into a coma? “Sorry.”
Miss Raffi’s smile returned, lighting her dark eyes. “I asked if you’re ready to leave.”
For a brief second, I thought about the man who’d caught me when I’d stepped through the door. For some reason, I wanted him to tell me everything would be okay. Which was ridiculous. I didn’t need a man to tell me what to do.
“Yes. Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.”
Miss Raffi held out her hand. “Then let’s get you and that adorable little girl out of here.”
Oh god, I really hoped I wasn’t going to regret this.
I took a breath and took the other woman’s hand.
“Let me introduce you to my husband then we can get going.”
“Get a good night’s sleep,” Crystal said as I slid out of thebooth. “I’ll check in with you tomorrow. Just have Miss Raffi give you my number. You can contact me at any time. You want to talk at two a.m., I’m your girl.”
I nodded, my brain not really processing complete thoughts at the moment. As if she’d read my mind, Raffi took another look at me as I stood.
“On second thought,” she said, “let’s just get you home so you can get some rest.”
I glanced at Mitzi, still holding Krista, who’d fallen asleep, her face slack, little lips parted. Raffi and Mitzi waited for me to stand, Raffi looking as if she wanted to reach for me but unsure I’d take the help.
God damnmy feet hurt. I wasn’t sure I’d make it far without help. So I took her hand and let her lead me outside to an aqua-blue Mercedes SUV parked just to the left of the entrance. Raffi opened the back driver’s side door. The thought that the color was custom floated through my foggy brain.
“Don’t have a booster seat because my slacker kids haven’t provided me with grandchildren yet,” Raffi gave Mitzi the side eye at the other woman’s snort, “but I figure you can hold her in the backseat. We’re not going far.”
Too tired to ask any questions, I just nodded and slid into the backseat, reaching for Krista. Mitzi put her in my arms then closed the door as Raffi got into the driver’s seat. The car started with barely a hum, and Raffi put the car in drive. I wrapped my arms tightly around Krista, resting my cheek against her soft curls and?—
“We’re here.”
My eyes flew open to see Raffi smiling at me from outside the open car door. Jesus, I must’ve fallen asleep. How long had I been out? We could be anywhere. Even as tired as I was, I could feel anxiety rush back in.
“Oh, hon.” Raffi’s mouth curved in a slight grimace. “I can tellyou’re scared. But honestly, you’re perfectly safe here. Come on in and let’s find you a bed.”
Raffi reached for Krista, and, after a split second, I handed her over, knowing I was too tired to carry her safely. My baby was getting big. And no longer a baby.
Swinging my legs out of the car, I stood…and my mouth dropped open.
Okay, was I still sleeping? Dreaming? I didn’t know what I’d been expecting when Raffi had invited me to her home, but it hadn’t been a freaking mansion. Like a literal mansion with huge double wooden doors and columns and about twenty windows. It reminded me of a lodge I’d stayed at years ago in Colorado.