“Jesus…I don’t need any fucking help.It’s over.”
Jake’s gaze narrowed.“Can you honestly tell us you don’t want her back?”
No.“Yes.I have more important things to focus on.”
“Yes, I’m sure you do.”Lad snorted.“Fine.So tell us more about the game.”
Trying not to sigh in relief, I recounted everything I could remember.
And tried not to let Bliss totally dominate my thoughts.
The tickets showedup the next morning.
But not at my door.
No, they showed up at Mike’s.And they didn’t come from Shane.
“Lissy, look what Jake sent.Tickets for the game tonight.Can we go?”
My heart pounding in my chest, I took the envelope, hating the fact that I’d almost wanted them to come from Shane.“How do you know they’re from Jake?”
“He sent a note.”
Hey,buddy.I hope you can make it.If you need a ride, just let me know.Jake.
Definitely not Shane’s handwriting.
Damn it.
Not that I wanted it to be from Shane.I was glad he wasn’t making this hard on me.
But I couldn’t say no to Mike.Not when he looked at me with so much excitement.
“Sure.But Mike…”
I hadn’t had a chance to tell him I’d broken up with Shane.I told myself it wasn’t because I regretted my decision.I didn’t.I’d done the right thing.
“Mike…Shane and I broke up.”
The shock on my brother’s face made my heart hurt.And my stomach clench.
He looked the way I still felt.And I’d been the one to break up.
Which had been for the best, damn it.
“Why?What happened?”
Yeah, what did happen?
I’d gotten scared, that’s what happened.
But it was still for the best.Better to hurt a little now than be heartbroken later.