And he’d felt pretty damn good pressed against me.But something was up.
“Hey,” he said.“Can we talk for a second?”
My chest felt like someone had just stuck me in a vise and started to crank.
No, I refused to let myself get worked up over something I’d known was coming.
And this was it.I could sense it.He was going to tell me he didn’t want to see me anymore.That the team had to come first and he needed to focus on the playoffs and that he didn’t have room for me.Not now.
And I’d nod and smile and say I understood completely.Because I did.
I’d known this relationship was going nowhere when we’d started.I hadn’t let myself get involved so I wouldn’t be devastated.
“Sure.Do you want to…?”I pointed to a quiet corner away from the other girlfriends.
“Yeah.That’s good.”
Putting his hand on my elbow, he drew me deeper into the hallway, until the only sound I could hear was the hum of the cooling units.
Then we stopped and I looked up.
And the smile on his face stole my breath.
“I got called up.I have to be in Philly for morning skate then I’m backing up Stanton for the game.”
Time froze for one very short second while I thought about those simple words.
I got called up.
I blinked and sucked in a breath I hoped he would interpret as surprise.Because it was.But it was a whole lot more.
And even as my smile came naturally, I couldn’t help but feel as if I’d been kicked.
“Oh, my god.Shane.That’s wonderful.”
And it was.It was amazing.
I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and hugged him tight.And when his arms came around me and clung, I knew why I felt like I was losing him.
Because this felt like goodbye.
Drawing back, I kept my smile pinned in place, though I didn’t have to force it.
I was so damn happy for him.And so miserably sorry for myself.
Which totally sucked.I’d known this affair had an expiration date.I just hadn’t expected it to be before the end of the season.
“So when do you leave?”
“I have to be in Philly tomorrow for the morning skate then I’ll be on the bench for the game.I won’t play unless something happens to Stanton.I probably won’t see any ice time during the game but it’s a chance for me to practice with the team, get to know the coaches a little better.I know it won’t be permanent, at least not now.I mean, I really want to be back in a week for the next game here.As it stands now, the Colonials aren’t going to make the playoffs so I’d probably be back anyway but…”
“This is your team.”I understood.At least, I understood him.How he thought.In the short time we’d been together, I’d learned to read him remarkably well.
Hell, a danger sign should’ve been flashing over his head.
Can’t fall apart now.